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Auction archive: Lot number 68

KITCHIN, Thomas (1719-1784) and Thomas JEFFERYS (c 1710-1771...

£1,800 - £2,500
ca. US$2,786 - US$3,870
Price realised:
ca. US$2,515
Auction archive: Lot number 68

KITCHIN, Thomas (1719-1784) and Thomas JEFFERYS (c 1710-1771...

£1,800 - £2,500
ca. US$2,786 - US$3,870
Price realised:
ca. US$2,515

KITCHIN, Thomas (1719-1784) and Thomas JEFFERYS (c. 1710-1771). The Small English Atlas, being a new and accurate sett of maps of all the counties in England and Wales . London: Kitchin and Jefferys, sold by M. Payne and M. Cooper, 1749. All engraved with title, preface and 50 maps hand-coloured in outline and numbered in manuscript. (Some cropping of numerals.) Contemporary marbled calf, covers with gilt floral border, flat gilt spine with morocco label (corners slightly rubbed). Provenance : Woodyor Thomas Stronge (inscription at end).
KITCHIN, Thomas (1719-1784) and Thomas JEFFERYS (c. 1710-1771). The Small English Atlas, being a new and accurate sett of maps of all the counties in England and Wales . London: Kitchin and Jefferys, sold by M. Payne and M. Cooper, 1749. All engraved with title, preface and 50 maps hand-coloured in outline and numbered in manuscript. (Some cropping of numerals.) Contemporary marbled calf, covers with gilt floral border, flat gilt spine with morocco label (corners slightly rubbed). Provenance : Woodyor Thomas Stronge (inscription at end). A WELL-BOUND COPY OF THE SCARCE FIRST EDITION. Chubb CXCII.

Auction archive: Lot number 68
18 Jun 2013
Auction house:
18 June 2013, London, South Kensington

KITCHIN, Thomas (1719-1784) and Thomas JEFFERYS (c. 1710-1771). The Small English Atlas, being a new and accurate sett of maps of all the counties in England and Wales . London: Kitchin and Jefferys, sold by M. Payne and M. Cooper, 1749. All engraved with title, preface and 50 maps hand-coloured in outline and numbered in manuscript. (Some cropping of numerals.) Contemporary marbled calf, covers with gilt floral border, flat gilt spine with morocco label (corners slightly rubbed). Provenance : Woodyor Thomas Stronge (inscription at end).
KITCHIN, Thomas (1719-1784) and Thomas JEFFERYS (c. 1710-1771). The Small English Atlas, being a new and accurate sett of maps of all the counties in England and Wales . London: Kitchin and Jefferys, sold by M. Payne and M. Cooper, 1749. All engraved with title, preface and 50 maps hand-coloured in outline and numbered in manuscript. (Some cropping of numerals.) Contemporary marbled calf, covers with gilt floral border, flat gilt spine with morocco label (corners slightly rubbed). Provenance : Woodyor Thomas Stronge (inscription at end). A WELL-BOUND COPY OF THE SCARCE FIRST EDITION. Chubb CXCII.

Auction archive: Lot number 68
18 Jun 2013
Auction house:
18 June 2013, London, South Kensington
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