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Auction archive: Lot number 178

KITCHIN, Thomas (1718-1784) and others. A New Universal Atlas, Exhibiting all the Empires, Kingdoms, States, Republics, &c. London: R. Laurie and J. Whittle, [1789-]1796.

Auction 29.10.2001
29 Oct 2001
US$7,000 - US$10,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 178

KITCHIN, Thomas (1718-1784) and others. A New Universal Atlas, Exhibiting all the Empires, Kingdoms, States, Republics, &c. London: R. Laurie and J. Whittle, [1789-]1796.

Auction 29.10.2001
29 Oct 2001
US$7,000 - US$10,000
Price realised:

KITCHIN, Thomas (1718-1784) and others. A New Universal Atlas, Exhibiting all the Empires, Kingdoms, States, Republics, &c. London: R. Laurie and J. Whittle, [1789-]1796. 2 o (545 x 370 mm). Approximately 60 hand-colored engraved maps (ink stamps and numbering on versos, without the maps of Hindoostan, some loose, chips to sheet edges, some offsetting and soiling). Contemporary quarter calf (covers detached, spine cracked and broken). At least seven variants on Kitchin's atlas are recorded. The present contains nine maps of the Americas. Phillips Atlases 685.

Auction archive: Lot number 178
29 Oct 2001
Auction house:
New York, Rockefeller Center

KITCHIN, Thomas (1718-1784) and others. A New Universal Atlas, Exhibiting all the Empires, Kingdoms, States, Republics, &c. London: R. Laurie and J. Whittle, [1789-]1796. 2 o (545 x 370 mm). Approximately 60 hand-colored engraved maps (ink stamps and numbering on versos, without the maps of Hindoostan, some loose, chips to sheet edges, some offsetting and soiling). Contemporary quarter calf (covers detached, spine cracked and broken). At least seven variants on Kitchin's atlas are recorded. The present contains nine maps of the Americas. Phillips Atlases 685.

Auction archive: Lot number 178
29 Oct 2001
Auction house:
New York, Rockefeller Center
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