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Auction archive: Lot number 61

BOWEN, Emanuel (fl. 1714-1767) and Thomas BOWEN (fl.1767-1790). Atlas Anglicanus, Or a Complete Sett of Maps of the Counties of South Britain . London: for T. Kitchin, [1767]. 15 parts, half-sheets, (387 x 250mm), engraved title, 43 engraved maps onl...

Auction 16.11.2004
16 Nov 2004
£1,500 - £2,000
ca. US$2,789 - US$3,719
Price realised:
ca. US$7,776
Auction archive: Lot number 61

BOWEN, Emanuel (fl. 1714-1767) and Thomas BOWEN (fl.1767-1790). Atlas Anglicanus, Or a Complete Sett of Maps of the Counties of South Britain . London: for T. Kitchin, [1767]. 15 parts, half-sheets, (387 x 250mm), engraved title, 43 engraved maps onl...

Auction 16.11.2004
16 Nov 2004
£1,500 - £2,000
ca. US$2,789 - US$3,719
Price realised:
ca. US$7,776

BOWEN, Emanuel (fl. 1714-1767) and Thomas BOWEN (fl.1767-1790). Atlas Anglicanus, Or a Complete Sett of Maps of the Counties of South Britain . London: for T. Kitchin, [1767]. 15 parts, half-sheets, (387 x 250mm), engraved title, 43 engraved maps onl;y (of 45), hand-coloured in outline, additional engraved map of Essex by T. Kitchin. (Lacking maps of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire.) Each part in blue paper wrappers as issued, upper covers numbered in manuscript and each with printed and manuscript receipt pasted onto upper cover, dated January 1st 1767 to July 29th 1768, made out to 'Mr Stephen Lowdell' (some wear to edges). FIRST EDITION, IN ORIGINAL PARTS of these 'very neatly engraved maps with numerous historical notes'. Chubb surmised that the numbers on the maps refer 'to a pigeon-hole in the publisher's warehouse'. However he did not account for every number, and here numbers 1-15 clearly relate to each section as issued and as described by the receipts. Chubb CCXXXII.

Auction archive: Lot number 61
16 Nov 2004
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

BOWEN, Emanuel (fl. 1714-1767) and Thomas BOWEN (fl.1767-1790). Atlas Anglicanus, Or a Complete Sett of Maps of the Counties of South Britain . London: for T. Kitchin, [1767]. 15 parts, half-sheets, (387 x 250mm), engraved title, 43 engraved maps onl;y (of 45), hand-coloured in outline, additional engraved map of Essex by T. Kitchin. (Lacking maps of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire.) Each part in blue paper wrappers as issued, upper covers numbered in manuscript and each with printed and manuscript receipt pasted onto upper cover, dated January 1st 1767 to July 29th 1768, made out to 'Mr Stephen Lowdell' (some wear to edges). FIRST EDITION, IN ORIGINAL PARTS of these 'very neatly engraved maps with numerous historical notes'. Chubb surmised that the numbers on the maps refer 'to a pigeon-hole in the publisher's warehouse'. However he did not account for every number, and here numbers 1-15 clearly relate to each section as issued and as described by the receipts. Chubb CCXXXII.

Auction archive: Lot number 61
16 Nov 2004
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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