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Auction archive: Lot number 34

England & Wales. Kitchin (Thomas), A New Map of England & Wales, 1794

Price realised:
ca. US$236
Auction archive: Lot number 34

England & Wales. Kitchin (Thomas), A New Map of England & Wales, 1794

Price realised:
ca. US$236

England & Wales. Kitchin (Thomas), A New Map of England & Wales. Drawn from Several Surveys &c. on a New Projection, Corrected from Astronomical Observations & the Places marked where the Observat'ns were made....., The Canals inserted to 1792 by J. Phillips Surveyor, published Laurie & Whittle, 12th May 1794, large hand coloured engraved map, inset map of the Scilly Isles, occasional repaired marginal closed tears, old folds, 1280 x 1085 mm, framed and glazed (Qty: 1)

Auction archive: Lot number 34
11 Dec 2019
Auction house:
Dominic Winter Auctioneers, Mallard House
Broadway Lane, South Cerney, Nr Cirencester
Gloucestershire, GL75UQ
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1285 860006
+44 (0)1285 862461

England & Wales. Kitchin (Thomas), A New Map of England & Wales. Drawn from Several Surveys &c. on a New Projection, Corrected from Astronomical Observations & the Places marked where the Observat'ns were made....., The Canals inserted to 1792 by J. Phillips Surveyor, published Laurie & Whittle, 12th May 1794, large hand coloured engraved map, inset map of the Scilly Isles, occasional repaired marginal closed tears, old folds, 1280 x 1085 mm, framed and glazed (Qty: 1)

Auction archive: Lot number 34
11 Dec 2019
Auction house:
Dominic Winter Auctioneers, Mallard House
Broadway Lane, South Cerney, Nr Cirencester
Gloucestershire, GL75UQ
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1285 860006
+44 (0)1285 862461
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