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Auction archive: Lot number 13

Bowen, Emanuel & Kitchin, Thomas

Price realised:
ca. US$5,257
Auction archive: Lot number 13

Bowen, Emanuel & Kitchin, Thomas

Price realised:
ca. US$5,257

Bowen, Emanuel & Kitchin, Thomas The Large English Atlas: or, a New Set of Maps of all the Counties in England and Wales, Drawn from the Several Surveys which have been hitherto published, with three general maps of England, Scotland and Irleand, from the latest and best authorities..., Printed and Sold by John Bowles Carington Bowles and Robert Sayer [1765], title page printed in red & black, three maps of England & Wales, Scotland and Ireland and forty-four double page engraved maps, all with contemporary outline colouring (complete as list), some creasing, a few marginal closed tears, slight finger and dust soiling largely confined to margins, very occasional spotting, hinges and joints weak, later half morocco but retaining contemporary marbled boards, worn and frayed, folio (Qty: 1)

Auction archive: Lot number 13
6 Mar 2019
Auction house:
Dominic Winter Auctioneers, Mallard House
Broadway Lane, South Cerney, Nr Cirencester
Gloucestershire, GL75UQ
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1285 860006
+44 (0)1285 862461

Bowen, Emanuel & Kitchin, Thomas The Large English Atlas: or, a New Set of Maps of all the Counties in England and Wales, Drawn from the Several Surveys which have been hitherto published, with three general maps of England, Scotland and Irleand, from the latest and best authorities..., Printed and Sold by John Bowles Carington Bowles and Robert Sayer [1765], title page printed in red & black, three maps of England & Wales, Scotland and Ireland and forty-four double page engraved maps, all with contemporary outline colouring (complete as list), some creasing, a few marginal closed tears, slight finger and dust soiling largely confined to margins, very occasional spotting, hinges and joints weak, later half morocco but retaining contemporary marbled boards, worn and frayed, folio (Qty: 1)

Auction archive: Lot number 13
6 Mar 2019
Auction house:
Dominic Winter Auctioneers, Mallard House
Broadway Lane, South Cerney, Nr Cirencester
Gloucestershire, GL75UQ
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1285 860006
+44 (0)1285 862461
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