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Auction archive: Lot number 111

Continental Tyres - Opelbahn 24 hours race ; A large trophy award in the form of a cordial jug; Cut-glass crystal container with silver lidded top and handle, and having internal ice container within; the top engraved and inscribed "24-Stunden-Rennen...

Auction 01.11.1999
1 Nov 1999
£800 - £1,200
ca. US$1,298 - US$1,947
Price realised:
ca. US$559
Auction archive: Lot number 111

Continental Tyres - Opelbahn 24 hours race ; A large trophy award in the form of a cordial jug; Cut-glass crystal container with silver lidded top and handle, and having internal ice container within; the top engraved and inscribed "24-Stunden-Rennen...

Auction 01.11.1999
1 Nov 1999
£800 - £1,200
ca. US$1,298 - US$1,947
Price realised:
ca. US$559

Continental Tyres - Opelbahn 24 hours race ; A large trophy award in the form of a cordial jug; Cut-glass crystal container with silver lidded top and handle, and having internal ice container within; the top engraved and inscribed "24-Stunden-Rennen auf der Opelbahn - 14/15 Juli 1928 gewidmet von Continental-Reifen." Height.13ins (34cm).

Auction archive: Lot number 111
1 Nov 1999
Auction house:
London, King Street

Continental Tyres - Opelbahn 24 hours race ; A large trophy award in the form of a cordial jug; Cut-glass crystal container with silver lidded top and handle, and having internal ice container within; the top engraved and inscribed "24-Stunden-Rennen auf der Opelbahn - 14/15 Juli 1928 gewidmet von Continental-Reifen." Height.13ins (34cm).

Auction archive: Lot number 111
1 Nov 1999
Auction house:
London, King Street
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