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Auction archive: Lot number 120

Swiss Grand Prix 1952 - A silver cigarette box trophy awarded to Hermann Lang for the sports car event won by Mercedes Benz; art deco styling engraved and inscribed to top "Prix de Berne." 10x6ins (27 x16cm)

Auction 01.11.1999
1 Nov 1999
£1,500 - £1,800
ca. US$2,434 - US$2,921
Price realised:
ca. US$2,052
Auction archive: Lot number 120

Swiss Grand Prix 1952 - A silver cigarette box trophy awarded to Hermann Lang for the sports car event won by Mercedes Benz; art deco styling engraved and inscribed to top "Prix de Berne." 10x6ins (27 x16cm)

Auction 01.11.1999
1 Nov 1999
£1,500 - £1,800
ca. US$2,434 - US$2,921
Price realised:
ca. US$2,052

Swiss Grand Prix 1952 - A silver cigarette box trophy awarded to Hermann Lang for the sports car event won by Mercedes Benz; art deco styling engraved and inscribed to top "Prix de Berne." 10x6ins (27 x16cm)

Auction archive: Lot number 120
1 Nov 1999
Auction house:
London, King Street

Swiss Grand Prix 1952 - A silver cigarette box trophy awarded to Hermann Lang for the sports car event won by Mercedes Benz; art deco styling engraved and inscribed to top "Prix de Berne." 10x6ins (27 x16cm)

Auction archive: Lot number 120
1 Nov 1999
Auction house:
London, King Street
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