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Auction archive: Lot number 117

Alice Caracciola - Lydia Lang - A porcelain part-dinner service comprising large serving platters, plates and a lidded chafing-dish with perforated separator; blue overglazed "Mediterranean Scenes" design pattern on white glazed ground; no makers mar...

Auction 01.11.1999
1 Nov 1999
£500 - £800
ca. US$811 - US$1,298
Price realised:
ca. US$559
Auction archive: Lot number 117

Alice Caracciola - Lydia Lang - A porcelain part-dinner service comprising large serving platters, plates and a lidded chafing-dish with perforated separator; blue overglazed "Mediterranean Scenes" design pattern on white glazed ground; no makers mar...

Auction 01.11.1999
1 Nov 1999
£500 - £800
ca. US$811 - US$1,298
Price realised:
ca. US$559

Alice Caracciola - Lydia Lang - A porcelain part-dinner service comprising large serving platters, plates and a lidded chafing-dish with perforated separator; blue overglazed "Mediterranean Scenes" design pattern on white glazed ground; no makers marks; older repairs to damaged lid.

Auction archive: Lot number 117
1 Nov 1999
Auction house:
London, King Street

Alice Caracciola - Lydia Lang - A porcelain part-dinner service comprising large serving platters, plates and a lidded chafing-dish with perforated separator; blue overglazed "Mediterranean Scenes" design pattern on white glazed ground; no makers marks; older repairs to damaged lid.

Auction archive: Lot number 117
1 Nov 1999
Auction house:
London, King Street
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