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Auction archive: Lot number 128

An ivory okimono modelled as two skeletons, one seated pointing to an empty bowl with his chopsticks, another bowl on his head, the other figure squatting and making a gesture with his arms and wearing a snake head-band -- 2¼.in.high, signed Shigekado .

Auction 09.12.1993
9 Dec 1993
£500 - £700
ca. US$745 - US$1,043
Price realised:
ca. US$737
Auction archive: Lot number 128

An ivory okimono modelled as two skeletons, one seated pointing to an empty bowl with his chopsticks, another bowl on his head, the other figure squatting and making a gesture with his arms and wearing a snake head-band -- 2¼.in.high, signed Shigekado .

Auction 09.12.1993
9 Dec 1993
£500 - £700
ca. US$745 - US$1,043
Price realised:
ca. US$737

An ivory okimono modelled as two skeletons, one seated pointing to an empty bowl with his chopsticks, another bowl on his head, the other figure squatting and making a gesture with his arms and wearing a snake head-band -- 2¼.in.high, signed Shigekado . See Illustration.

Auction archive: Lot number 128
9 Dec 1993
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

An ivory okimono modelled as two skeletons, one seated pointing to an empty bowl with his chopsticks, another bowl on his head, the other figure squatting and making a gesture with his arms and wearing a snake head-band -- 2¼.in.high, signed Shigekado . See Illustration.

Auction archive: Lot number 128
9 Dec 1993
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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