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Auction archive: Lot number 8

An ivory okimono modelled as a snake coiled around the top of a skull --; a four-case ivory inro carved with a hut below pine among rockwork overlooking a seascape -- 3½.in.long; with attached rectangular ivory manju netsuke incised with a ...

Auction 06.05.1993
6 May 1993
£150 - £200
ca. US$232 - US$309
Price realised:
ca. US$885
Auction archive: Lot number 8

An ivory okimono modelled as a snake coiled around the top of a skull --; a four-case ivory inro carved with a hut below pine among rockwork overlooking a seascape -- 3½.in.long; with attached rectangular ivory manju netsuke incised with a ...

Auction 06.05.1993
6 May 1993
£150 - £200
ca. US$232 - US$309
Price realised:
ca. US$885

An ivory okimono modelled as a snake coiled around the top of a skull --; a four-case ivory inro carved with a hut below pine among rockwork overlooking a seascape -- 3½.in.long; with attached rectangular ivory manju netsuke incised with a seated figure of Jurojin -- 2in. wide; a lacquered ivory box and cover decorated with mon -- 2in. high; a bone cylindrical vase carved with figures and birds -- 4in. high; a Chinese ivory buckle carved with dragons -- 2in. wide; a Cantonese ivory note book cover carved with figures in pavilions -- 5in. long; an ivory seal -- 1¼in. high; three ivory napkin rings; seven other ivory items; and a European ivory cover carved with a mythilogical scene -- 2½in. diam. (21)

Auction archive: Lot number 8
6 May 1993
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

An ivory okimono modelled as a snake coiled around the top of a skull --; a four-case ivory inro carved with a hut below pine among rockwork overlooking a seascape -- 3½.in.long; with attached rectangular ivory manju netsuke incised with a seated figure of Jurojin -- 2in. wide; a lacquered ivory box and cover decorated with mon -- 2in. high; a bone cylindrical vase carved with figures and birds -- 4in. high; a Chinese ivory buckle carved with dragons -- 2in. wide; a Cantonese ivory note book cover carved with figures in pavilions -- 5in. long; an ivory seal -- 1¼in. high; three ivory napkin rings; seven other ivory items; and a European ivory cover carved with a mythilogical scene -- 2½in. diam. (21)

Auction archive: Lot number 8
6 May 1993
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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