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Auction archive: Lot number 113

An ivory okimono modelled as a grimacing seated Hotei holding a whisk, an insect perched on his head and a boy kneeling beside him, the eyes inlaid in horn and details stained black -- 1½ in.high.

Auction 10.03.1994
10 Mar 1994
£120 - £180
ca. US$179 - US$268
Price realised:
ca. US$492
Auction archive: Lot number 113

An ivory okimono modelled as a grimacing seated Hotei holding a whisk, an insect perched on his head and a boy kneeling beside him, the eyes inlaid in horn and details stained black -- 1½ in.high.

Auction 10.03.1994
10 Mar 1994
£120 - £180
ca. US$179 - US$268
Price realised:
ca. US$492

An ivory okimono modelled as a grimacing seated Hotei holding a whisk, an insect perched on his head and a boy kneeling beside him, the eyes inlaid in horn and details stained black -- 1½ in.high.

Auction archive: Lot number 113
10 Mar 1994
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

An ivory okimono modelled as a grimacing seated Hotei holding a whisk, an insect perched on his head and a boy kneeling beside him, the eyes inlaid in horn and details stained black -- 1½ in.high.

Auction archive: Lot number 113
10 Mar 1994
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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