Overall, 7017 lots by Keith Haring are in our price database - 3580 with result prices. Most often, 1456 times, a lot by the artist Keith Haring was sold in an auction house in United States. Most lots, 1074 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Keith Haring in our price database:
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KEITH HARING (1958-1990)
dated '82' (upper right); signed, and dated again 'K...
KEITH HARING (1958-1990) Untitled dated '82' (upper right); signed, and dated again 'K. Haring Feb...
Sumi ink on paper laid down on canvas 184 by 222.5 cm. 72 1/2 by 87 3/8 in. Executed in 1983...
KEITH HARING (1958-1990)
Tree of Life
KEITH HARING (1958-1990) Tree of Life signed, inscribed and...
Keith Haring (1958-1990) Untitled signé, daté, situé et inscrit 'NOV. 8 1988 (ELECTION DAY) BUSH...
KEITH HARING1958 - 1990UNTITLED signed, signed with the artist’s monogram and dated NOV. 17 1983 on...
KEITH HARING (1958-1990)
signed and dated 'K. Haring OCT. 1982 ⊕' (on the reverse)
signed and dated Nov. 18 1983 on the reverse vinyl paint on vinyl tarpaulin with metal grommets 72...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 UNTITLED signed and dated Nov. 18 1983 on the reverse vinyl paint on vinyl...
Sold to Benefit The Bedari FoundationΟ ◆12Keith HaringUntitled (Grace Jones Mask)signed and dated '©...
KEITH HARING (1958-1990) Untitled signed and dated 'K. Haring Oct. 81' (on the reverse) vinyl ink on...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 TREE OF LIFE signed, dated 1985, and inscribed NYC Sept 7, 1985 In memory...
Keith Haring (1958-1990)
Keith Haring (1958-1990) Untitled signed and dated 'K. Haring NOV...
Keith Haring1958 - 1990Untitled [Twenty-Three Works] marker on paper, in 23 partseach: 8 7/8 by 8...
Keith Haring (1958-1990)
Andy Mouse--New Coke
Keith Haring (1958-1990) Andy Mouse--New Coke signed...
Keith Haring (1958-1990)
Keith Haring (1958-1990) Untitled signed with the artist's...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 UNTITLED painted steel 240 x 118 x 78 3/4 in. 610 x 300 x 200 cm. Executed...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 DOG [THREE WORKS] i-ii. signed, dated 86 and numbered 4/10 on a plaque...
acrylic on canvas 120 by 120 by 3 7/8 in. 304.8 by 304.8 by 9.8 cm. Executed in 1988...
Keith Haring (1958-1990)
Keith Haring (1958-1990) Untitled signed twice and dated ‘K...
KEITH HARING (1958-1990) Untitled signed and dated 'K. Haring Oct. 17–85 ? ©' (on the reverse) oil...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 UNTITLED signed and dated November 4 1983 on the reverse vinyl paint on...
Keith Haring Follow Untitled (with Kermit Oswald) incised with the artist's signature and date "K...
Mother and Child, 1986 incised 'K. Haring 86' and with the artist's insignia (on the base) painted...
Keith Haring (1958-1990) Untitled (Subway Drawing) chalk on two joined sheets of paper on board, in...
Andy Mouse (4 Blatt). 1986. Farbserigrafie. Littmann S. 64 und 65. Jeweils signiert, datiert...
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