Overall, 7017 lots by Keith Haring are in our price database - 3580 with result prices. Most often, 1456 times, a lot by the artist Keith Haring was sold in an auction house in United States. Most lots, 1074 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Keith Haring in our price database:
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Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 UNTITLED acrylic on canvas 88 3/4 by 45 in. 225.4 by 114.3 cm. Executed in...
Sneeze, 1984 Acrylique sur toile, signée, datée et titrée au dos Acrylic on canvas, signed, dated...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 UNTITLED signed and dated May 6 1983 Napoli on the overlap acrylic on...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 UNTITLED signed and dated OCT.17/85 on the reverse oil and acrylic on...
KEITH HARING (1958-1990)
Andy Mouse
KEITH HARING (1958-1990) Andy Mouse the complete set of four...
Keith Haring (1958-1990)
Keith Haring (1958-1990) Untitled acrylic and enamel on canvas...
Property from an East Coast CollectionKeith Haring1958 - 1990Untitled incised with the artist's...
Art in Transit: 31 Subway Drawings by Keith Haring, From the Collection of Larry WarshKeith...
KEITH HARING (1958-1990) Untitled (Drawings for Fashion Moda, New Museum) signed and inscribed 'K...
Keith Haring Untitled 1984 Sumi ink on paper 101.3 x 81.8 cm. (39 7/8 x 32 1/4 in.) Signed, dated...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 TWO-HEADED FIGURE incised with the artist's signature and date 86...
Art in Transit: 31 Subway Drawings by Keith Haring, From the Collection of Larry WarshKeith...
acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas, in two parts each: 101.6 by 101.6 cm. 40 by 40 in. Executed in...
The Blueprint Drawings (L. pp. 174-183...
Keith Haring (1958-1990) Untitled signed and dated 'K. Haring OCT. 7 1982' (on the reverse) acrylic...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 UNTITLED inscribed with the artist's signature, dated 1989 and numbered 1/5...
KEITH HARING (1958-1990)
Sans titre
KEITH HARING (1958-1990) Sans titre signé et daté 'K. Haring 86...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 UNTITLED signed and dated April 12 1985 on the reverse acrylic on canvas...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 ALTARPIECE: THE LIFE OF CHRIST cast with the artist's signature and date 90...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 RED-YELLOW-BLUE #11 signed, titled and dated Jan 11. 1987 on the overlap...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 UNTITLED signed, signed with the artist's monogram and dated April 1982 on...
Keith Haring (1958-1990)
Keith Haring (1958-1990) Untitled signed and dated twice 'K...
Keith Haring (1958-1990)
Keith Haring (1958-1990) Untitled signed twice and dated 'K...
Keith Haring 1958 - 1990 UNTITLED signed and dated Nov 14.89 on the overlap acrylic on canvas 120 by...
Untitled 1980 ink on paper 38 by 50 in. 96.5 by 127 cm. This work was executed in 1980...
KEITH HARING (American 1958 - 1990) Untitled –1983 Enamel on carved wood Incised with artist’s...
Keith Haring1958 - 1990
Untitledsigned and dated 8.8.88 (on the verso)sumi ink and gouache on...
Keith Haring1958 - 1990Untitledincised with the signature and date 83 (on the verso)enamel on...
KEITH HARING (1958-1990)
signed and dated 'K. Haring SEPT. 1 1982 +' (on the reverse...
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