Overall, 107 lots by Edmund Blair Leighton are in our price database - 83 with result prices. Most often, 67 times, a lot by the artist Edmund Blair Leighton was sold in an auction house in United Kingdom. Most lots, 47 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Edmund Blair Leighton in our price database:
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Edmund Blair Leighton (1852-1922)
Edmund Blair Leighton (1852-1922) Maternity signed with...
Edmund Blair Leighton 1853 - 1922 BRITISH LE BILLET DOUX signed E. B. L. and dated 1915 (lower left...
Edmund Blair Leighton (1852-1922) A Favour signed and dated ' E.BLAIR LEIGHTON. 1898 .' (lower left...
Edmund Blair Leighton (1852 London - 1922 ebenda) Gefangene Prinzessin in einer Burg Motiv -und...
Edmund Blair Leighton 1853 - 1922 BRITISH A WINTRY WALK signed E.B.L. and dated 1904 (lower left...
Edmund Blair Leighton (1852-1922)
Yes or No
Edmund Blair Leighton (1852-1922) Yes or No? signed and...
Tristram and Isolde
signed with initials 'E.B.L.' (lower...
signed E.B.L. and dated 91 (lower left); inscribed Qui m'aime me suit and signed E Blair Leighton...
Edmund Blair Leighton (1853-1922)
The golden train
Edmund Blair Leighton (1853-1922) The golden...
EDMUND BLAIR LEIGHTON (BRITISH, 1852-1922) Devotion signed with initials and dated 'E.B.L. 95...
signed with initials and dated 'E.B.L...
Dinner time signed with initials and dated 'EBL 1918' (lower left) oil on panel 35.5 x 25 cm. (14 x...
Edmund Blair Leighton (1852 London - 1922 ebenda) Gefangene Prinzessin in einer Burg Motiv -und...
signed with initials and dated 'E.B.L...
Edmund Blair Leighton (1852-1922) The request signed with initials and dated 'E B L/92' (lower...
Edmund Blair Leighton (British, 1853-1922) A Source of Admiration signed with initials and dated...
Edmund Blair Leighton (1853–1922), British A BUDDING ROMANCE, 1895 Oil on canvas; signed with...
Involuntary variations signed and dated 'E. Blair Leighton 1885' (upper right) oil on canvas 29 x...
Edmund Blair Leighton (1853-1922)
Edmund Blair Leighton (1853-1922) Maternity signed with...
Edmund Blair Leighton (1852-1922) Straying Thoughts signed with initials and dated 'E.B.L./1913...
signed with initials and dated l.l.: E.B.L. 1911 oil on panel 24 by 34½cm., 9.5 by 13.5 in...
Edmund Blair Leighton (1853-1922) Gossip signed 'E.BLAIR LEIGHTON.' (lower left) oil on canvas 15½ x...
A humourist of the XVIIIth Century signed with initials and dated 'E.B.L/85' (middle right...
The window seat
signed with initials and dated 'E.B.L. 1905' (on window ledge, centre left)
oil on...
Edmund Blair Leighton (British, 1852-1922) The Charity of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary signed with...
Edmund Blair Leighton (1853-1922) Witness my Act and Seal signed and dated 'E. Blair Leighton 1878...
Edmund Blair Leighton (1853-1922) The Time and the Place signed with initials and dated 1917 and...
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