Overall, 197 lots by Bernard Salomon are in our price database - 133 with result prices. Most often, 44 times, a lot by the artist Bernard Salomon was sold in an auction house in Germany. Most lots, 30 pieces, came up for auction at Ketterer Kunst GmbH & Co. KG.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Bernard Salomon in our price database:
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153 Marot, Clément. (Oeuvres). 2 Tle. in 1 Bd. Lyon, de Tournes, 1579. 16°. 13 Bll. mit...
Lyon, "Apud Ioan Toirnaesium, & Gulielmum Gazeium" (J. de Tournes and G. Gazeau), 1547, 143,(1) p...
Figures du nouveau testament. 1559.
(Fontaine, Ch.), Figures du Nouveau Testament. Mit arabesker...
Barthélémy Aneau Picta poesis. Ut pictura poesis erit. Lyon, M. Bonhomme 1552. Erste Ausgabe des...
Figure del vecchio testamento, con versi Toscani. Lyon, J. de Tournes 1554. Mit Druckermarke a.T...
Metamorphose. 1553.
Apuleius, L., Metamorphose, autrement, l'asne d'or. Traduite de Latin en nostre...
De' prodigii. 1554.
Obsequens, J., De' prodigii. Polidoro Vergilio de' prodigii lib. III. Mit...
SIMEONI (Gabriele) Illustratione de gli epitaffi et medaglie antiche. Lione [Lyon], de Tournes...
PARADIN, Claude (ca. 1510-1573). Devises heroïques , Lyon: Jan de Tournes et Guil. Gazeau, 1557. 8°...
Rolet Boutonné
In-8°, [6] ff, 339 pp, ill. d'un frontisp...
3 volumes comprising: The Old Testament: Genesis to Kings The Old Testament: Chronicles to Malachi...
OVIDIUS NASO (43 B.C.-?17 A.D.). La vita et metamorfoseo... figurato & abbreviato in forma...
La vita et metamorfoseo. Figurato & abbreviato in forma d'epigrammi da Gabriello Symeoni. 3 Tle. in...
THREE NEEDLEWORK PANELS 17TH CENTURY worked with polychrome silk floss on a plain weave undyed linen...
Emblematum libri duo. Genf, de Tournes 1614. Kl.8°. Mit zahlr. Textholzschn. 8 Bl., 241 S. (recte...
Biblia sacra. 2 Bde. 1554.
Biblia sacra ad optima quaeque veteris, ut vocant, tralationis exemplaria...
Introductiones apotelesmatice. 1156.
Indagine, J., Introductiones apotelesmatice elegantes, in...
(Ésope). Aesopi phrigis et aliorum fabulae. Lugduni (Lyon), Jean Frellon, 1554. 1 volume in-16...
Historiarum memorabilium ex Genesi descriptio. - G. Borluyt. Historiarum memorabilium ex Exodo...
Figure del vecchio. 1554.
Maraffi, D., Figure del Vecchio Testamento, con versi Toscani. Nuovamente...
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