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Auction archive: Lot number 890-719

World. Extensive original lot in 12 large boxes with fine and useful collections from Great Britain, Ireland, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, USA

12 Nov 2019
ca. US$5,933
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 890-719

World. Extensive original lot in 12 large boxes with fine and useful collections from Great Britain, Ireland, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, USA

12 Nov 2019
ca. US$5,933
Price realised:
n. a.

World. Extensive original lot in 12 large boxes with fine and useful collections from Great Britain, Ireland, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, USA, Germany, Berlin, GDR, BRD and all Scandinavian countries incl. Denmark both used (incl. 2 copies 2 RBS, and **/* collection and incl. lots of better values, Greenland, DWI, Sweden (incl. both sets UPU etc.), Norway, Finland etc. etc. Attractive lot with lots of better stamps and complete sets, much modern material etc. Please inspect

Auction archive: Lot number 890-719
12 Nov 2019
Auction house:
Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
Bredgade 33
1260 København K
+45 8818 1111
+45 8818 1112

World. Extensive original lot in 12 large boxes with fine and useful collections from Great Britain, Ireland, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, USA, Germany, Berlin, GDR, BRD and all Scandinavian countries incl. Denmark both used (incl. 2 copies 2 RBS, and **/* collection and incl. lots of better values, Greenland, DWI, Sweden (incl. both sets UPU etc.), Norway, Finland etc. etc. Attractive lot with lots of better stamps and complete sets, much modern material etc. Please inspect

Auction archive: Lot number 890-719
12 Nov 2019
Auction house:
Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
Bredgade 33
1260 København K
+45 8818 1111
+45 8818 1112
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