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Auction archive: Lot number 33

Album of Prints

US$15,000 - US$25,000
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 33

Album of Prints

US$15,000 - US$25,000
Price realised:
n. a.

Title: Album of Prints Author: Callot, Jacques and Stefano Della Bella Place: Paris Publisher: C. Bance Date: 17th century Description: Approximately 502 etchings, 291 by Jacques Callot 211 by Stefano Della Bella Various sizes from 20x10" to 1½x1", trimmed and mounted on later laid-paper album sheets in 19th century boards. Varying impressions. Includes etchings from the following series by Callot: Les Balli di Sfessania; Nouveau Testament; Les Misères et les Malheurs de la Guerre; Les Geux; Les petites misères de la guerre; Le Martyr des Apôtres; L’Enfant Prodigue; Les Gobbi; Le Martyre de Saint Sébastien; Pardon Des Rochelois; Lux Claustri; Les Fantaisies; Les Deux Grandes Vues De Paris; La Noblesse; Les Péchés Capitaux; Les Exercice Militaire; Les Pénitens et Penitentes; Les Quatre Festins; Carrière et rue neuve de Nancy; Vita Beatae Mariae Vir. Matris Dei Emblematib Delineata; and others. Etchings from the following series by Della Bella: Plusieurs Têtes Coiffées à la Persienne; Diverses Exercises de Cavalerie; Agreable Diversité de Figures; Diverses Paysage; Diverses Desseins tant pour la Paix que Pour La Guerre; Diverses Embarquements; Raccolta di Vasi Diversi; Ornament o Grottesche; Diverses Figure & Paesi; Desseins de Quelque Conduites; Diverses Têtes & Figures; Livre Pour Apprendre à Dessiner; Les Quatre Saisons; Templi Antononi; Arcus Constantini; Romae In Hortis Medicaeis vas Marmoreum Eximum; Castello St. Angelo; Diverses Figures et Griffonnemens; Caprice; and others. The current owner of the album lived in Prague before being forced to leave in 1941 as a young girl from the Nazi invasion. At the time, Jews were allowed to leave the country, however, they were not permitted to take any money with them. As a result, many Jews purchased items of value before leaving with the hope the items might be resold at a later date. While crossing the border, it was necessary for the family to declare the etching work as being of their own creation in order to for it to be allowed through. The family traveled from Czechoslovakia to Shanghai where they lived for six years. In 1947 they emigrated to San Francisco. Also: bookplate belonging to Sir Henry Irving, important British Actor (1838-1905) mounted on front free endpaper Lot Amendments Condition: Album covers detached, lacking spine leather; front endpaper torn and loose; some series with plates lacking; general smudging to album sheets; plates worn in some instances, pale staining and minor creasing, one or two tears, often trimmed inside plate marks excising text, about very good Item number: 195335

Auction archive: Lot number 33
30 Apr 2009
Auction house:
PBA Galleries
1233 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States
+1 (0)415 9892665
+1 (0)415 9891664

Title: Album of Prints Author: Callot, Jacques and Stefano Della Bella Place: Paris Publisher: C. Bance Date: 17th century Description: Approximately 502 etchings, 291 by Jacques Callot 211 by Stefano Della Bella Various sizes from 20x10" to 1½x1", trimmed and mounted on later laid-paper album sheets in 19th century boards. Varying impressions. Includes etchings from the following series by Callot: Les Balli di Sfessania; Nouveau Testament; Les Misères et les Malheurs de la Guerre; Les Geux; Les petites misères de la guerre; Le Martyr des Apôtres; L’Enfant Prodigue; Les Gobbi; Le Martyre de Saint Sébastien; Pardon Des Rochelois; Lux Claustri; Les Fantaisies; Les Deux Grandes Vues De Paris; La Noblesse; Les Péchés Capitaux; Les Exercice Militaire; Les Pénitens et Penitentes; Les Quatre Festins; Carrière et rue neuve de Nancy; Vita Beatae Mariae Vir. Matris Dei Emblematib Delineata; and others. Etchings from the following series by Della Bella: Plusieurs Têtes Coiffées à la Persienne; Diverses Exercises de Cavalerie; Agreable Diversité de Figures; Diverses Paysage; Diverses Desseins tant pour la Paix que Pour La Guerre; Diverses Embarquements; Raccolta di Vasi Diversi; Ornament o Grottesche; Diverses Figure & Paesi; Desseins de Quelque Conduites; Diverses Têtes & Figures; Livre Pour Apprendre à Dessiner; Les Quatre Saisons; Templi Antononi; Arcus Constantini; Romae In Hortis Medicaeis vas Marmoreum Eximum; Castello St. Angelo; Diverses Figures et Griffonnemens; Caprice; and others. The current owner of the album lived in Prague before being forced to leave in 1941 as a young girl from the Nazi invasion. At the time, Jews were allowed to leave the country, however, they were not permitted to take any money with them. As a result, many Jews purchased items of value before leaving with the hope the items might be resold at a later date. While crossing the border, it was necessary for the family to declare the etching work as being of their own creation in order to for it to be allowed through. The family traveled from Czechoslovakia to Shanghai where they lived for six years. In 1947 they emigrated to San Francisco. Also: bookplate belonging to Sir Henry Irving, important British Actor (1838-1905) mounted on front free endpaper Lot Amendments Condition: Album covers detached, lacking spine leather; front endpaper torn and loose; some series with plates lacking; general smudging to album sheets; plates worn in some instances, pale staining and minor creasing, one or two tears, often trimmed inside plate marks excising text, about very good Item number: 195335

Auction archive: Lot number 33
30 Apr 2009
Auction house:
PBA Galleries
1233 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States
+1 (0)415 9892665
+1 (0)415 9891664
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