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Auction archive: Lot number 516

Theophile Steinlen MOTOCYCLES COMIOT Color lithograph

US$7,000 - US$10,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 516

Theophile Steinlen MOTOCYCLES COMIOT Color lithograph

US$7,000 - US$10,000
Price realised:

Theophile Steinlen MOTOCYCLES COMIOT Color lithograph MOTOCYCLES COMIOT (C. 505) Color lithograph, 1899, before the letters, printed by Charles Verneau, Paris, laid on a support sheet laid on linen, a central horizontal fold (with some associated splitting, creasing and tears with some inpainting), a few creases and tears (longest 5/8 inch, extending into the borderline) in the margins, some unobtrusive spots of pale discoloration, a a small loss at top right sheet corner, otherwise in good condition, with (full?) margins, framed. Sheet 54 1/2 x 38 1/2 inches; 1384 x 978 mm. C Estate of Karen Ettinger

Auction archive: Lot number 516
1 Nov 2010
Auction house:
Doyle New York - Auctioneers & Appraisers
East 87th Street 75
New York, NY 10128
United States
+1 (0)212 4272730

Theophile Steinlen MOTOCYCLES COMIOT Color lithograph MOTOCYCLES COMIOT (C. 505) Color lithograph, 1899, before the letters, printed by Charles Verneau, Paris, laid on a support sheet laid on linen, a central horizontal fold (with some associated splitting, creasing and tears with some inpainting), a few creases and tears (longest 5/8 inch, extending into the borderline) in the margins, some unobtrusive spots of pale discoloration, a a small loss at top right sheet corner, otherwise in good condition, with (full?) margins, framed. Sheet 54 1/2 x 38 1/2 inches; 1384 x 978 mm. C Estate of Karen Ettinger

Auction archive: Lot number 516
1 Nov 2010
Auction house:
Doyle New York - Auctioneers & Appraisers
East 87th Street 75
New York, NY 10128
United States
+1 (0)212 4272730
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