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Auction archive: Lot number 171

Theophile Alexandre Steinlen (1859-1923)

US$7,000 - US$10,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 171

Theophile Alexandre Steinlen (1859-1923)

US$7,000 - US$10,000
Price realised:

Theophile Alexandre Steinlen (1859-1923) MOTOCYCLES COMIOT (CRAUZAT 505) Color lithograph, 1899, before the letters, printed by Charles Verneau, Paris, laid on linen, a central horizontal fold (some associated splitting and tears), some unobtrusive rippling, a few unobtrusive tears at top and bottom sheet edges (longest extending 5 1/4 inches into the image background at top), a few small losses at top sheet edge, one with some associated discoloration in the margin near top left corner, some pale dampstaining in the image top left corner, otherwise in apparently good condition, with good or full margins, framed (unexamined out of the frame). 52 5/8 x 36 5/8 inches; 134 x 930 mm. C The Phil Ramone Collection

Auction archive: Lot number 171
29 Apr 2014
Auction house:
Doyle New York - Auctioneers & Appraisers
East 87th Street 75
New York, NY 10128
United States
+1 (0)212 4272730

Theophile Alexandre Steinlen (1859-1923) MOTOCYCLES COMIOT (CRAUZAT 505) Color lithograph, 1899, before the letters, printed by Charles Verneau, Paris, laid on linen, a central horizontal fold (some associated splitting and tears), some unobtrusive rippling, a few unobtrusive tears at top and bottom sheet edges (longest extending 5 1/4 inches into the image background at top), a few small losses at top sheet edge, one with some associated discoloration in the margin near top left corner, some pale dampstaining in the image top left corner, otherwise in apparently good condition, with good or full margins, framed (unexamined out of the frame). 52 5/8 x 36 5/8 inches; 134 x 930 mm. C The Phil Ramone Collection

Auction archive: Lot number 171
29 Apr 2014
Auction house:
Doyle New York - Auctioneers & Appraisers
East 87th Street 75
New York, NY 10128
United States
+1 (0)212 4272730
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