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Auction archive: Lot number 203

Royal Reserva 1964 (4) Bodegas

Fine & Rare Wines
6 Dec 2012
£380 - £440
ca. US$613 - US$710
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 203

Royal Reserva 1964 (4) Bodegas

Fine & Rare Wines
6 Dec 2012
£380 - £440
ca. US$613 - US$710
Price realised:
n. a.

Royal Reserva 1964 (4) Bodegas Franco-Espanolas, Rioja (2 very top, 1 top, 1 high shoulder) Monte Real Reserva 1964 (1) Monte Real Gran Reserva 1970 (3) Bodegas Riojanas (u. 1 x 5.5cms - vintage label illegible & scuffed) Marqués de Villamagna Gran Reserva 1970 (11) Rioja (1 top, 7 high, 3 high mid shoulder - 2 with signs of old seepage; 2 nicked labels, lightly corroded capsules) 19 bottles

Auction archive: Lot number 203
6 Dec 2012
Auction house:
Bonhams London
London, New Bond Street 101 New Bond Street London W1S 1SR Tel: +44 20 7447 7447 Fax : +44 207 447 7401

Royal Reserva 1964 (4) Bodegas Franco-Espanolas, Rioja (2 very top, 1 top, 1 high shoulder) Monte Real Reserva 1964 (1) Monte Real Gran Reserva 1970 (3) Bodegas Riojanas (u. 1 x 5.5cms - vintage label illegible & scuffed) Marqués de Villamagna Gran Reserva 1970 (11) Rioja (1 top, 7 high, 3 high mid shoulder - 2 with signs of old seepage; 2 nicked labels, lightly corroded capsules) 19 bottles

Auction archive: Lot number 203
6 Dec 2012
Auction house:
Bonhams London
London, New Bond Street 101 New Bond Street London W1S 1SR Tel: +44 20 7447 7447 Fax : +44 207 447 7401
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