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Auction archive: Lot number 1349

Royal Gran Reserva--Vintage 1958 Excellent appearance and levels (3) Excelso Gran Reserva--Vintage 1959 Damaged wax capsules. Bin-soiled and torn labels. Levels: base of neck or better (6) Both of the above wines produced by Bodegas Franco-Españolas

Auction 07.12.2000
7 Dec 2000
£180 - £240
ca. US$263 - US$351
Price realised:
ca. US$289
Auction archive: Lot number 1349

Royal Gran Reserva--Vintage 1958 Excellent appearance and levels (3) Excelso Gran Reserva--Vintage 1959 Damaged wax capsules. Bin-soiled and torn labels. Levels: base of neck or better (6) Both of the above wines produced by Bodegas Franco-Españolas

Auction 07.12.2000
7 Dec 2000
£180 - £240
ca. US$263 - US$351
Price realised:
ca. US$289

Royal Gran Reserva--Vintage 1958 Excellent appearance and levels (3) Excelso Gran Reserva--Vintage 1959 Damaged wax capsules. Bin-soiled and torn labels. Levels: base of neck or better (6) Both of the above wines produced by Bodegas Franco-Españolas Above 9 bottles per lot

Auction archive: Lot number 1349
7 Dec 2000
Auction house:
London, King Street

Royal Gran Reserva--Vintage 1958 Excellent appearance and levels (3) Excelso Gran Reserva--Vintage 1959 Damaged wax capsules. Bin-soiled and torn labels. Levels: base of neck or better (6) Both of the above wines produced by Bodegas Franco-Españolas Above 9 bottles per lot

Auction archive: Lot number 1349
7 Dec 2000
Auction house:
London, King Street
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