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Auction archive: Lot number 12

Richardson, Charles James Studies from

£200 - £400
ca. US$263 - US$526
Price realised:
ca. US$329
Auction archive: Lot number 12

Richardson, Charles James Studies from

£200 - £400
ca. US$263 - US$526
Price realised:
ca. US$329

Richardson, Charles James Studies from Old English Mansions. London: T. McLean, 1841-1848. 4 volumes, folio, 4 lithographed titles, 4 dedications and 133 plates (some double-page), original red quarter morocco gilt over green cloth boards, one double-page plate with closed tear along centre-fold, a little dampstaining and occasional soiling, contemporary ownership signature to free-endpapers, covers and interior of series four a little dampstained and worn (4)

Auction archive: Lot number 12
19 Jun 2018
Auction house:
Lyon & Turnbull

Richardson, Charles James Studies from Old English Mansions. London: T. McLean, 1841-1848. 4 volumes, folio, 4 lithographed titles, 4 dedications and 133 plates (some double-page), original red quarter morocco gilt over green cloth boards, one double-page plate with closed tear along centre-fold, a little dampstaining and occasional soiling, contemporary ownership signature to free-endpapers, covers and interior of series four a little dampstained and worn (4)

Auction archive: Lot number 12
19 Jun 2018
Auction house:
Lyon & Turnbull
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