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Auction archive: Lot number 596

Richardson, Charles James. Studies from

£50 - £70
ca. US$67 - US$94
Price realised:
ca. US$175
Auction archive: Lot number 596

Richardson, Charles James. Studies from

£50 - £70
ca. US$67 - US$94
Price realised:
ca. US$175

Richardson, Charles James Studies from Old English Mansions, 1841. Lithographic plates, some coloured (some spotting). Orig. cloth gilt - Hull, Prof. Edward. Deacon's Synchronological Chart…of Universal History, n.d. Coloured folding chart - Bell, Major James. A View of Universal History, Literature and the Several Schools of Painting, 1842. 25 coloured tables. Cont. half calf (worn). All folio (3)

Auction archive: Lot number 596
25 Jan 2022
Auction house:
Prinknash Abbey Park
Near Cheltenham Gloucestershire, GL4 8EU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1452 344499

Richardson, Charles James Studies from Old English Mansions, 1841. Lithographic plates, some coloured (some spotting). Orig. cloth gilt - Hull, Prof. Edward. Deacon's Synchronological Chart…of Universal History, n.d. Coloured folding chart - Bell, Major James. A View of Universal History, Literature and the Several Schools of Painting, 1842. 25 coloured tables. Cont. half calf (worn). All folio (3)

Auction archive: Lot number 596
25 Jan 2022
Auction house:
Prinknash Abbey Park
Near Cheltenham Gloucestershire, GL4 8EU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1452 344499
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