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Auction archive: Lot number 116

PAIR OF FLORENTINE FRAMED PORTRAIT PRINTS, later hand-coloured, of Lavinia Countess Spencer and Lady

£60 - £80
ca. US$79 - US$105
Price realised:
ca. US$65
Auction archive: Lot number 116

PAIR OF FLORENTINE FRAMED PORTRAIT PRINTS, later hand-coloured, of Lavinia Countess Spencer and Lady

£60 - £80
ca. US$79 - US$105
Price realised:
ca. US$65

PAIR OF FLORENTINE FRAMED PORTRAIT PRINTS, later hand-coloured, of Lavinia Countess Spencer and Lady Anne Bingham, daughters of 1st Earl Lucan, after Joshua Reynolds singed in pencil L. Ruck, inscibed in ink verso, overall 23 x 18cms (2) Condition report: Comments: frames with restoration

Auction archive: Lot number 116
25 Mar 2022
Auction house:
Rogers Jones Co
33 Abergele Road
Colwyn Bay, North Wales, LL29 7RU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1492 532176

PAIR OF FLORENTINE FRAMED PORTRAIT PRINTS, later hand-coloured, of Lavinia Countess Spencer and Lady Anne Bingham, daughters of 1st Earl Lucan, after Joshua Reynolds singed in pencil L. Ruck, inscibed in ink verso, overall 23 x 18cms (2) Condition report: Comments: frames with restoration

Auction archive: Lot number 116
25 Mar 2022
Auction house:
Rogers Jones Co
33 Abergele Road
Colwyn Bay, North Wales, LL29 7RU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1492 532176
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