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Auction archive: Lot number 440

Oppler, Ernst. Hinter der Front der kaiserlich deutschen Südarmee. 48 Originallithographien von Ernst Oppler, Karpathen 1915 (48 numbered lithographs on World War I, many depicting Jewish life in the Carpathians).

Auction 19.06.1991
19 Jun 1991
NLG1,600 - NLG2,000
ca. US$795 - US$993
Price realised:
ca. US$1,257
Auction archive: Lot number 440

Oppler, Ernst. Hinter der Front der kaiserlich deutschen Südarmee. 48 Originallithographien von Ernst Oppler, Karpathen 1915 (48 numbered lithographs on World War I, many depicting Jewish life in the Carpathians).

Auction 19.06.1991
19 Jun 1991
NLG1,600 - NLG2,000
ca. US$795 - US$993
Price realised:
ca. US$1,257

Oppler, Ernst. Hinter der Front der kaiserlich deutschen Südarmee. 48 Originallithographien von Ernst Oppler Karpathen 1915 (48 numbered lithographs on World War I, many depicting Jewish life in the Carpathians). Berlin, Verlag Graphisches Kabinett J.B. Neumann, no date, 22 x 24 cm. [2 + 24 uncut folded + 1] leaves. Thumbed and slightly browned. Original paper wrappers with repair.

Auction archive: Lot number 440
19 Jun 1991
Auction house:

Oppler, Ernst. Hinter der Front der kaiserlich deutschen Südarmee. 48 Originallithographien von Ernst Oppler Karpathen 1915 (48 numbered lithographs on World War I, many depicting Jewish life in the Carpathians). Berlin, Verlag Graphisches Kabinett J.B. Neumann, no date, 22 x 24 cm. [2 + 24 uncut folded + 1] leaves. Thumbed and slightly browned. Original paper wrappers with repair.

Auction archive: Lot number 440
19 Jun 1991
Auction house:
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