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Auction archive: Lot number 183

MCCKLUSKIE, Tom. Titanic & Her Sisters, Olympic & Britannic. California: Thunder Bay Press, 1998. together with a group of books titled, Cunard White Star Liners of the 1930's , HMHS Britannic the Last Titan , Falling Star Misadventure of White Star ...

Auction 16.06.2004
16 Jun 2004
US$80 - US$150
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 183

MCCKLUSKIE, Tom. Titanic & Her Sisters, Olympic & Britannic. California: Thunder Bay Press, 1998. together with a group of books titled, Cunard White Star Liners of the 1930's , HMHS Britannic the Last Titan , Falling Star Misadventure of White Star ...

Auction 16.06.2004
16 Jun 2004
US$80 - US$150
Price realised:

MCCKLUSKIE, Tom. Titanic & Her Sisters, Olympic & Britannic. California: Thunder Bay Press, 1998. together with a group of books titled, Cunard White Star Liners of the 1930's , HMHS Britannic the Last Titan , Falling Star Misadventure of White Star Line Ships , Ocean Liners of the Past and Liverpool Shipping A Short History together with a group of books titled, Cunard White Star Liners of the 1930's , HMHS Britannic the Last Titan , Falling Star Misadventure of White Star Line Ships , Ocean Liners of the Past and Liverpool Shipping A Short History . (6)

Auction archive: Lot number 183
16 Jun 2004
Auction house:
New York, Rockefeller Center

MCCKLUSKIE, Tom. Titanic & Her Sisters, Olympic & Britannic. California: Thunder Bay Press, 1998. together with a group of books titled, Cunard White Star Liners of the 1930's , HMHS Britannic the Last Titan , Falling Star Misadventure of White Star Line Ships , Ocean Liners of the Past and Liverpool Shipping A Short History together with a group of books titled, Cunard White Star Liners of the 1930's , HMHS Britannic the Last Titan , Falling Star Misadventure of White Star Line Ships , Ocean Liners of the Past and Liverpool Shipping A Short History . (6)

Auction archive: Lot number 183
16 Jun 2004
Auction house:
New York, Rockefeller Center
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