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Auction archive: Lot number 1257 1257

Johann Caspar Nepomuk Scheuren (German, 1810-1887) Two Unframed Ink, Watercolor, and Gouache Paintings: Monk Praying Johann Caspar Nepomuk Scheuren (German, 1810-1887) Two Unframed Ink, Watercolor, and Gouache Paintings: Monk Praying

US$400 - US$600
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 1257 1257

Johann Caspar Nepomuk Scheuren (German, 1810-1887) Two Unframed Ink, Watercolor, and Gouache Paintings: Monk Praying Johann Caspar Nepomuk Scheuren (German, 1810-1887) Two Unframed Ink, Watercolor, and Gouache Paintings: Monk Praying

US$400 - US$600
Price realised:

Johann Caspar Nepomuk Scheuren (German, 1810-1887) Two Unframed Ink, Watercolor, and Gouache Paintings: Monk Praying and Monk Ringing the Bells. Signed, inscribed, and dated "C. Scheuren.Düsseldorf . 1869" l.l. and l.r., respectively. On paper mounted to mat, sizes to 13 1/8 x 10 in. Condition: Foxing, scattered small areas of adhesive residue near edges, Praying with small stain u.r., Ringing with unobtrusive mat burn.

Auction archive: Lot number 1257 1257
13 Mar 2019
Auction house:
Bonhams | Skinner
Park Plaza 63
Boston, MA 02116
United States
+1 (0)617 3505400
+1 (0)617 3505429

Johann Caspar Nepomuk Scheuren (German, 1810-1887) Two Unframed Ink, Watercolor, and Gouache Paintings: Monk Praying and Monk Ringing the Bells. Signed, inscribed, and dated "C. Scheuren.Düsseldorf . 1869" l.l. and l.r., respectively. On paper mounted to mat, sizes to 13 1/8 x 10 in. Condition: Foxing, scattered small areas of adhesive residue near edges, Praying with small stain u.r., Ringing with unobtrusive mat burn.

Auction archive: Lot number 1257 1257
13 Mar 2019
Auction house:
Bonhams | Skinner
Park Plaza 63
Boston, MA 02116
United States
+1 (0)617 3505400
+1 (0)617 3505429
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