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Auction archive: Lot number 329

Great Britain, Offices in China, Morocco & Turkey, 1885-1937, collection of 627 used and unused stamps, incl. extensive showing of issues with values to $5.00, 12pes, 5sh, 6fr, 180pi, mostly in complete sets, nearly all fine-very fine, Scott retail $...

Auction 12.12.2000
12 Dec 2000
US$1,600 - US$1,800
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 329

Great Britain, Offices in China, Morocco & Turkey, 1885-1937, collection of 627 used and unused stamps, incl. extensive showing of issues with values to $5.00, 12pes, 5sh, 6fr, 180pi, mostly in complete sets, nearly all fine-very fine, Scott retail $...

Auction 12.12.2000
12 Dec 2000
US$1,600 - US$1,800
Price realised:

Great Britain, Offices in China, Morocco & Turkey, 1885-1937, collection of 627 used and unused stamps, incl. extensive showing of issues with values to $5.00, 12pes, 5sh, 6fr, 180pi, mostly in complete sets, nearly all fine-very fine, Scott retail $7,375.00

Auction archive: Lot number 329
12 Dec 2000
Auction house:
Spink America

Great Britain, Offices in China, Morocco & Turkey, 1885-1937, collection of 627 used and unused stamps, incl. extensive showing of issues with values to $5.00, 12pes, 5sh, 6fr, 180pi, mostly in complete sets, nearly all fine-very fine, Scott retail $7,375.00

Auction archive: Lot number 329
12 Dec 2000
Auction house:
Spink America
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