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Auction archive: Lot number 1314

A good all world collection of 19th. Century in three "Imperial" albums, with Great Britain, British Empire featuring useful African countries, Europe and Overseas with France and Colonise, German States and Post Offices, Iceland with 1876 New Curren...

Auction 18.12.1996
18 Dec 1996
£400 - £500
ca. US$665 - US$832
Price realised:
ca. US$1,722
Auction archive: Lot number 1314

A good all world collection of 19th. Century in three "Imperial" albums, with Great Britain, British Empire featuring useful African countries, Europe and Overseas with France and Colonise, German States and Post Offices, Iceland with 1876 New Curren...

Auction 18.12.1996
18 Dec 1996
£400 - £500
ca. US$665 - US$832
Price realised:
ca. US$1,722

A good all world collection of 19th. Century in three "Imperial" albums, with Great Britain, British Empire featuring useful African countries, Europe and Overseas with France and Colonise, German States and Post Offices, Iceland with 1876 New Currency 6a., 10a., 16a. mint, 1882-95 mint values to 100ö. and Officials, Italy; mixed condition. (hundreds)

Auction archive: Lot number 1314
18 Dec 1996
Auction house:
London, King Street

A good all world collection of 19th. Century in three "Imperial" albums, with Great Britain, British Empire featuring useful African countries, Europe and Overseas with France and Colonise, German States and Post Offices, Iceland with 1876 New Currency 6a., 10a., 16a. mint, 1882-95 mint values to 100ö. and Officials, Italy; mixed condition. (hundreds)

Auction archive: Lot number 1314
18 Dec 1996
Auction house:
London, King Street
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