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Auction archive: Lot number 90

Commerce of the Prairies or the Journal of a Santa Fé Trader, During Eight Expeditions Across the Great Western Prairies...

US$500 - US$800
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 90

Commerce of the Prairies or the Journal of a Santa Fé Trader, During Eight Expeditions Across the Great Western Prairies...

US$500 - US$800
Price realised:

Title: Commerce of the Prairies or the Journal of a Santa Fé Trader, During Eight Expeditions Across the Great Western Prairies... Author: Gregg, Josiah Place: New York Publisher: J. & H.G. Langley Date: 1845 Description: 2 volumes. 6 engraved plates; map of the Interior of Northern Mexico. (8vo) original blind-stamped cloth with gilt-stamped illustration to covers, lettering to spine, rebacked with original spine cloth trimmed and laid down. Second Edition. "This work stands as a cornerstone of all studies on the SFT in the early period, describing the origin and development of the trade, Gregg's own experiences, and useful statistics for 1822-43" - Rittenhouse. The work was immortalized as a "southwest classic" by Lawrence Clark Powell who remarks "Gregg's stone-ground prose evokes the life of the Santa Fe Trail as no other book does. His passion for the prairies was also a passion for knowing. He was a tireless observer and recorder." Gregg made his first trip over the trail in 1831, and his last in 1839. Howes G401; Wagner-Camp 108:4. Lot Amendments Condition: Light edge wear; foxing throughout, heavier to plates; very good. Item number: 233062

Auction archive: Lot number 90
24 Jan 2013
Auction house:
PBA Galleries
1233 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States
+1 (0)415 9892665
+1 (0)415 9891664

Title: Commerce of the Prairies or the Journal of a Santa Fé Trader, During Eight Expeditions Across the Great Western Prairies... Author: Gregg, Josiah Place: New York Publisher: J. & H.G. Langley Date: 1845 Description: 2 volumes. 6 engraved plates; map of the Interior of Northern Mexico. (8vo) original blind-stamped cloth with gilt-stamped illustration to covers, lettering to spine, rebacked with original spine cloth trimmed and laid down. Second Edition. "This work stands as a cornerstone of all studies on the SFT in the early period, describing the origin and development of the trade, Gregg's own experiences, and useful statistics for 1822-43" - Rittenhouse. The work was immortalized as a "southwest classic" by Lawrence Clark Powell who remarks "Gregg's stone-ground prose evokes the life of the Santa Fe Trail as no other book does. His passion for the prairies was also a passion for knowing. He was a tireless observer and recorder." Gregg made his first trip over the trail in 1831, and his last in 1839. Howes G401; Wagner-Camp 108:4. Lot Amendments Condition: Light edge wear; foxing throughout, heavier to plates; very good. Item number: 233062

Auction archive: Lot number 90
24 Jan 2013
Auction house:
PBA Galleries
1233 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States
+1 (0)415 9892665
+1 (0)415 9891664
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