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Auction archive: Lot number 61

Commerce of the Prairies: or the Journal of a Santa Fe Trader...

US$200 - US$300
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 61

Commerce of the Prairies: or the Journal of a Santa Fe Trader...

US$200 - US$300
Price realised:
n. a.

Title: Commerce of the Prairies: or the Journal of a Santa Fe Trader... Author: Gregg, Josiah Place: New York Publisher: Henry G. Langley Date: 1844 Description: Volume 1 of 2. 320 pp. Engraved frontispiece; folding map; woodcuts. (12mo) 7½x4½, original brown cloth with gilt decorative cover and spine. First Edition, Second Issue. "Chief contemporary authority on the Santa Fé trade-route and traffic." -Howes G401. Lot Amendments Condition: Spine ends frayed, edges worn, covers rubbed; foxed, map has a few long tears but remains intact; else good. Item number: 199085

Auction archive: Lot number 61
6 Nov 2008
Auction house:
PBA Galleries
1233 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States
+1 (0)415 9892665
+1 (0)415 9891664

Title: Commerce of the Prairies: or the Journal of a Santa Fe Trader... Author: Gregg, Josiah Place: New York Publisher: Henry G. Langley Date: 1844 Description: Volume 1 of 2. 320 pp. Engraved frontispiece; folding map; woodcuts. (12mo) 7½x4½, original brown cloth with gilt decorative cover and spine. First Edition, Second Issue. "Chief contemporary authority on the Santa Fé trade-route and traffic." -Howes G401. Lot Amendments Condition: Spine ends frayed, edges worn, covers rubbed; foxed, map has a few long tears but remains intact; else good. Item number: 199085

Auction archive: Lot number 61
6 Nov 2008
Auction house:
PBA Galleries
1233 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States
+1 (0)415 9892665
+1 (0)415 9891664
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