DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870). Bleak House. London: Bradbury & Evans, March 1852 - September 1853...
HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel (1804-1864). The Complete Works . Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin...
HEMINGWAY, Ernest. The Spanish Earth . Cleveland: J.B. Savage Company, 1938.
HEMINGWAY, Ernest. The...
JEFFERS, Robinson (1887-1962). Be Angry at the Sun . New York, 1941. 8 o. Original cloth; dust...
DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE]. WILLIAMS, William (1731-1811), Signer (Connecticut). Autograph...
CARROLL, Charles, of Carrolton. Autograph letter signed ("Ch.Carroll of Carrollton," with paraph) to...
FLOYD, William. Autograph document signed ("Wm Floyd," with full signature "William Floyd" twice in...
HUNTINGTON, Samuel (1731-1896), Signer (Connecticut), President of the Continental Congress...
LIVINGSTON, Philip (1716-1778), Signer (New York). Autograph endorsement and signature ("Errors...
READ, George (1733-1798), Signer (Delaware). Autograph document signed ("Geo:Read"), New Castle...
WILSON, James. Autograph document signed ("James Wilson") a promissory note. N.p., 1 May 1794. 1...
ARETAEUS of Cappadocia (fl. ca A.D. 50). Libri septem - RUFUS of Ephesus (fl. 1st century A.D.) De...
BARTHOLINUS, Thomas, editor (1616-1680). Acta medica & philosophica hafneinsia . Copenhagen: Peter...
BEAUMONT, William (1785-1853). Experiments and Observations on the Gastric Juice and the Physiology...
FLETCHER, William Younger (1830-1913). English Bookbindings in the British Museum - Foreign...
HOE, Robert, III, collector]. LINDBERG, Pehr (or LINPERCH). Architectura mechanica of moole-boek...
LAVOISIER, Antoine Laurent (1743-94). "Analyse du Gypse." In: Mémoires de mathématique et de...
MORGAGNI, Giovanni Battista (1682-1771). Adversaria anatomica omnia . Padua: Josephus Cominus...
REFERENCE -- MEDICAL FACSIMILES]. A collection of 44 facsimiles of early medical books, including...
SEMMELWEIS, Ignaz Philipp (1818-1865). Zwei offene Briefe an Dr. J. Spaeth, Professor der...
SHAW, John (1776-1832). Engravings, Illustrative of a Work on the Nature and Treatment of the...
ASIMOV, Isaac (1920-1992). Foundation and Empire. New York: Gnome Press, 1952.
ASIMOV, Isaac...
SEUSS, Dr. (Pseudonym of Theodore Geisel). Fine felt tip drawing in black and blue, of Yertle the...
STOWE, Harriet Beecher (1811-1896). Uncle Tom's Cabin; or Life Among the Lowly . Boston: John P...
CLYMER, George (1739-1813), Signer (Pennsylvania). Autograph letter signed to Tench Coxe...
MORRIS, Robert. Partly printed document signed ("Robt. Morris"), Philadelphia, 4 August 1792. 1...
MORRIS, Robert. Autograph letter signed ("Robt.Morris") to James Carey in Baltimore; Philadelphia...
PIERCE, Franklin (1804=1869), President . Partly printed document signed ("Franklin Pierce"), as...
ALBINUS, Bernhard Siegfried (1697-1770). Icones ossium foetus humani. Accedit osteogeniae brevis...
LAENNEC, René Théophile Hyacinthe (1781-1826). De l'auscultation médeiate ou traité du diagnostic...
SWAN, Joseph (1791-1874). Plates of the Brain, in Explanation of the Physical Faculties of the...
CLEMENS, Samuel Langhorne ("Mark Twain," 1835-1910). Autograph letter signed ("Mark"), to J. B...
SEUSS, Dr. (Pseudonym of Theodore Geisel). Felt tip drawing in black, boldly inscribed and signed...
SEUSS, Dr. (Pseudonym of Theodore Geisel). Felt tip drawing in black and red of Red, boldly...
STEINBECK, John. Autograph letter signed ("John") to Murray, New York, 4 December, n.y. 3 pages...
ELLERY, William. Autograph letter signed to "Dear Philo," Worcester, 23 March 1815. 1 page, 4to...
ELLERY, William (1727-1820), Signer (Rhode Island). The Christian Disciple, Published Monthly. Vol...
GERRY, Elbridge (1744-1814). Signer (Massachusetts). ROLLIN, Charles (1661-1741). The Method of...
PAINE, Robert Treat. Autograph legal manuscript (a draft?) signed ("R T. Paine," with flourish), as...
WILSON, James (1742-1798), Signer (Pennsylvania). ADDISON, Joseph and Richard STEELE. The Spectator...
MONROE, James. Autograph letter signed ("James Monroe"), as President, to Charles Fenton Mercer...
VIRGINIA]. MERCATOR, Gerard. Virginiae item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, nova description...
VIRGINIA]. [MONTANUS, Arnoldus or John OGILBY (1600-1676)]. Nova Virginiae Tabula . [Amsterdam or...
BOYLE, Robert (1627-1691). Tracts containing: I. Suspicions about some Hidden Qualities of the Air...
PASTEUR, Louis. Autograph letter signed ("L. Pasteur"), to Sir Saul Samuel, Paris, 1 March 1889. One...
AUTRY, Gene (1907-1998). Back in the Saddle Again , co-authored by Mickey Herskowitz. New York...
SEUSS, Dr. (Pseudonym of Theodore Geisel), illustrator. Felt tip drawing in black, boldly inscribed...
WELLS, H.G. (1866-1946). The First Men in the Moon. London: George Newnes, 1901.
ADAMS, John Quincy (1767-1848). Autograph manuscript signed ("John Quincy Adams"), as Congressman...
CARROLL, Charles, of Carrollton (1737-1832), Signer (Maryland). Autograph letter signed ("Ch...
FLOYD, William (1734-1821), Signer (New York). MORE, Hannah (1745-1833). Coelebs in Search of a...
MORRIS, Robert. Autograph letter signed ("Robt.Morris") with initialed postscript, to Messrs. Carey...
MORRIS, Robert. Autograph letter signed ("Robt. Morris") to Messrs. Carey & Tilghman in Baltimore...
WALTON, George (1749 -1804), Signer (Georgia). Autograph letter signed ("GeoWalton") as Judge of the...
MacARTHUR, Douglas (1880-1964). Typed letter signed ("Douglas MacArthur"), to John G. Mahanna, New...
REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. GATES, Horatio (1728-1806), Major General, Continental Army . Autograph letter...
GENET, Edmond Charles (1763-1834). Memorial on the Upward Forces of Fluids, and their applicability...
GODDARD, Robert H. (1882-1945). Liquid-Propellant Rocket Development. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian...
WRIGHT, Wilbur. "Experiments and Observations in Soaring Flight," in Journal of the Western Society...
ADAMS, John Quincy (1767-1848), President . Autograph letter signed ("John Quincy Adams"), as U.S...
CARROLL, Charles, of Carrollton. Autograph letter signed ("Ch.Carroll of Carrollton," with...
MORRIS, Robert. Autograph letter signed ("Robt.Morris") with initialed postscript, to Messrs. Carey...
MORRIS, Robert. Autograph letter signed (Rob t. Morris") as Pennsylvania Senator, to Carey...
MORRIS, Robert. Autograph letter signed ("Robt. Morris") to Jonathan Nicholson, n.p., [Prune Street...
MONROE, James]. LINNAEUS, Carolus (1707-1778). A General System of Nature, Through the Three Grand...
PHILADELPHIA--PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLLING]. Manuscript subscription list, used to record subscribers...
ROOSEVELT, Theodore (1858-1919), President . Typed letter signed ("Theodore Roosevelt"), as New York...
ROOSEVELT, Theodore. Autograph letter signed ("Theodore Roosevelt"), as President, to an...
VIRGINIA]. HONDIUS, Henricus. Nova Virginiae Tabula. [Amsterdam: Mercator, 1633].
FERNEL, Jean François (1497-1558). Monalosphaerium, partibus constans quatuor . Paris: Simon de...
MILLET, Jean-François (1814-1875); MANET, Edouard (1832-1883); NANTEUIL, Célestin (1813-1873); DORÉ...
ZAMBECCARI, Giuseppe (1655-1728). Esperienze del Dottor Giuseppe Zambeccari intorno a diverse...
KIPLING, Rudyard (1865-1936). The Jungle Book. -- The Second Jungle Book. London and New York...
SEUSS, Dr. (Pseudonym of Theodore Geisel). Felt tip drawing in black of the Grinch, boldly inscribed...
HOWE, Julia Ward (1819-1910), author. Autograph manuscript signed ("Julia Ward Howe"), a fair copy...
STOCKTON, Richard (1730-1781), Signer (New Jersey). SAUNDERS, Edmund, Sir. Les Reports du tres...
HAMILTON, Alexander (1757-1804). Letter signed ("A. Hamilton"), as Secretary of the Treasury...
PATTON, George S., Jr. (1885-1945), General, U.S. Army . Printed souvenir menu signed ("G. S...
REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. GATES, Horatio. Letter signed ("Horatio Gates"), to Boston Town Meeting, Boston...
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