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Lots within our price database by Wolfgang Bauer

Overall, 34 lots by Wolfgang Bauer are in our price database - 4 with result prices. Most often, 3 times, a lot by the artist Wolfgang Bauer was sold in an auction house in Germany. Most lots, 6 pieces, came up for auction at Galerie Bassenge.

The lots with the highest resulting prices by Wolfgang Bauer in our price database:

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Lot number 2066

Assorted Printed Textiles, including a 19th century French floral length of cotton, printed on a...

Tennants, 13 May 2017
£100 - £150
ca. US$129 - US$193
Price realised:
ca. US$116
Lot number 2830

Konvolut aus 3 Büchern: a) Mayor, Susan: Fächer, Verlag Georg D.W. Callwey, München 1981. 4°, 120...

Kunstauktionshaus Günther in Dresden GmbH, 24 Mar 2018 - 27 Mar 2018
Price realised:
n. a.
Lot number 296

Nr. 1-6 (alles Erschienene) in 5 Heften. Eschenau, Bilwis-Vlg., 1991-95. Mit tls. farb. Illustr...

Zisska & Lacher Buch- und Kunstauktions GmbH & Co.KG, 8 Nov 2017 - 10 Nov 2017
ca. US$347
Price realised:
ca. US$173
Lot number 2110

Assorted Circa 1960's Fabrics including a Lister Printed Cotton length titled 'Titan' depicting...

Tennants, 9 May 2015
£70 - £100
ca. US$108 - US$154
Price realised:
n. a.
Lot number 050 146
Vier Stühle und ein Tisch 'Fernsehturm', 1968

Stühle: H. 82 cm; 56,5 x 58 cm. Tisch: 72 cm; 80 x 80 cm. Thonet Frankenberg, ca. 1968. Bandstahl...

Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen, 27 Nov 2004
€800 - €900
ca. US$1,039 - US$1,169
Price realised:
n. a.
Lot number 3145
Waldorf, Günter Peter Handke (Siebdruck) mit Autograph von Handke

» größer Handke vor dem Kadi Handke, Peter. - Waldorf, Günter. (ohne Titel; Peter Handke mit...

Galerie Bassenge, 9 Apr 2020
ca. US$649
Price realised:
n. a.
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