Overall, 3 lots by William Ludwell Sheppard are in our price database - 1 with a result price. Most often, 1 times, a lot by the artist William Ludwell Sheppard was sold in an auction house in Netherlands. Most lots, 2 pieces, came up for auction at Cowan's Auctions, Inc..
The lots with the highest resulting prices by William Ludwell Sheppard in our price database:
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Pen and ink sketch, 6 x 9.5 in. (sight), framed to 12.25 x 15.75 in. A Richmond native, William...
Pen and ink on paper, 12.125 x 9.25 in. (sight), framed to 18.75 x 15.75 in. Initialed lower right...
Pen and ink on paper, 9 x 11.5 in. (sight), matted and framed to 15.5 x 18 in. Initialed and...
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