Overall, 789 lots by Saul Steinberg are in our price database - 513 with result prices. Most often, 331 times, a lot by the artist Saul Steinberg was sold in an auction house in United States. Most lots, 196 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Saul Steinberg in our price database:
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Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Still Life with Rubber Stamp
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) Still Life with...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) Galatea signed and dated 'STEINBERG...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Speech Table
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) Speech Table signed and dated...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) Architects signed and dated...
Saul Steinberg (b. 1914-1999)
Saul Steinberg (b. 1914-1999) Architects signed and dated...
SAUL STEINBERG (1914-1999)
signed and dated 'STEINBERG 1974' (right edge)
ƒ Saul Steinberg (1941-1999) Florida, 1953 Encre de chine sur papier Signé et daté en haut à gauche...
ƒ Saul Steinberg (1941-1999) Time and Space, 1968 Encre de chine sur papier Signé en bas à droite 56...
Saul Steinberg (American, 1914-1999) Ariadne Stamped, signed and dated "Steinberg Dec. 1966" l.r...
163 Saul Steinberg (American,... Saul Steinberg (American, 1914-1999); Untitled, 1952; Ink on sheet...
599 Saul Steinberg (American,... Saul Steinberg (American, 1914-1999); Woman (Strelsa van Scriver...
603 Saul Steinberg (American,... Saul Steinberg (American, 1914-1999) Two Works; Map Drawings...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) 1926 signed and dated 'STEINBERG 64...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) Cairo signed and dated twice 'STEINBERG...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
The Cat
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) The Cat signed with artist's monogram...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
The Cat
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) The Cat signed with initials...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) Portrait signed and dated 'STEINBERG...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) Untitled signed 'STEINBERG' (lower...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) Untitled signed 'STEINBERG' (lower...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) Untitled screenprint, etching and...
SAUL STEINBERG (1914-1999)
Juke box
SAUL STEINBERG (1914-1999) Juke box signé, titré et daté 'JUKE...
SAUL STEINBERG (1914-1999)
SAUL STEINBERG (1914-1999) [Untitled] offset lithograph in...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) Untitled signed and dated 'STEINBERG...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Par Avion
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) Par Avion signed and dated...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Pyramid #8
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) Pyramid #8 signed and dated...
SAUL STEINBERG (1914-1999)
Sans titre
SAUL STEINBERG (1914-1999) Sans titre signé et daté 'STEINBERG...
SAUL STEINBERG (1914-1999)
Persian Rug
SAUL STEINBERG (1914-1999) Persian Rug wool tapestry in...
SAUL STEINBERG (1914-1999)
Main Street
SAUL STEINBERG (1914-1999) Main Street lithograph in colors...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
Monte Alban
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) Monte Alban signed and dated...
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999)
The Tool Box
Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) The Tool Box signed with initials...
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