Overall, 138 lots by Roy Christopher are in our price database - 42 with result prices. Most often, 26 times, a lot by the artist Roy Christopher was sold in an auction house in France. Most lots, 54 pieces, came up for auction at Kunstauktionshaus Zemanek-Münster.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Roy Christopher in our price database:
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ROY (Christopher) Art of the Upper Volta Alain et Françoise Chaffin, 1987 In-4 Dans un emboîtage...
Christopher ROY. Art of the Upper Volta Rivers. Alain et Françoise Chaffin, éditeurs. Dans son...
ROY (Christopher) Art of the Upper Volta Alain et Françoise Chaffin, 1987 In-4 Dans un emboîtage...
Un ouvrage 'Art of the Upper Volta Rivers' Christopher Roy. Editeur Chaffin. 1987. Etat neuf dans...
Un ouvrage 'Land of the flying masks Burkina Faso' Christopher Roy et Thomas G.B. Wheelock. 2007...
1998/1999. Set of 2 sketches for the look and style of design for the 70th and 71st Academy Awards...
ƟMasque d'antilope, Kokologho, Mossi sukomsé, Sud-Ouest de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Bois (hibiscus...
Ɵ Masque de forgeron molo, style Taguna, Bobo, Ouest Burkina Faso Bois (Afzelia Africana), metal...
Ɵ Masque Karanga, style de Risian, Mossi nyonyosé, Burkina Faso Bois, fer, cuir, pigments naturels...
Ɵ Masque Heaume Janus Karanga, style Yatanga, Mossi nyonyosé, Burkina Faso Bois (Hibiscus...
Ɵ Masque Karan-Wemba, style Yatenga, Mossi nyonyosé, Burkina Faso Bois (Hibiscus cannabinus...
SONGE, République Démocratique du Congo Statue "Nkishi" au menton pointu caractéristique du style...
ROY, Christopher
Alain et Françoise Chaffin
In-4°, 382 pp, ill. en coul. et en n/b. Rel...
ROY, Christopher. KILENGI afrikanishe kunst aus der Sammlung Bareiss. Munich, Lenbachhaus, 1998...
Holz, Roy, Christopher, Art of the Upper Volta Rivers, Paris 1987, p. 273
H: 43 cm...
Holz, Sockel Roy, Christopher D., Land of the flying masks, München 2007, ill. 437
L: 53,5 cm...
Holz, rep., Sockel Roy, Christopher D., Land of the flying masks, München 2007, ill. 10
H: 223 cm...
Holz, Farbpigmente, rest. Roy, Christopher D., Land of the flying masks, München 2007, ill. 87 ff
Holz, Farbe, Pigmente, Sockel Roy, Christopher D., Land of the flying masks, München 2007, ill. 69...
Holz, Farbe, Pigmente, Sockel Roy, Christopher D., Land of the flying masks, München 2007, ill. 74...
Holz, Farbe, Pigmente, Sockel Roy, Christopher D., Land of the flying masks, München 2007, ill. 69...
Holz, Farbe, Pigmente, Sockel Roy, Christopher D., Land of the flying masks, München 2007, ill. 74...
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