Overall, 96 lots by Richard Baker are in our price database - 67 with result prices. Most often, 57 times, a lot by the artist Richard Baker was sold in an auction house in United Kingdom. Most lots, 17 pieces, came up for auction at Bonhams London.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Richard Baker in our price database:
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A William and Mary walnut and floral marquetry longcase clock Richard Baker, London. The hood...
Discourses upon Cornelius Tacitus..., translated into English, by Sir Richard Baker, 1st edition in...
Autographs. a group of ten signed letters comprising Deborah Carr, (two letters), George Sinclair...
Autographs. a group of ten signed letters comprising Deborah Carr, (two letters), George Sinclair...
Autographs. a group of ten signed letters comprising Deborah Carr, (two letters), George Sinclair...
Book catalogue.- Farrington (James) Library catalogue, manuscript, 5pp. only of 6, browned edges...
The Museums Archive
The Museums Archive of photographs and correspondence including a letter from...
Gaiety: Theatre of Enchantment
1949; § Laurie (Joe, Jr.) Vaudeville: from the Honky Tonks to the...
ENGLAND] A Complete Collection of State-Trials, and Proceedings for High Treason, and other Crimes...
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