Overall, 100 lots by Pietro Barucci are in our price database - 61 with result prices. Most often, 19 times, a lot by the artist Pietro Barucci was sold in an auction house in Italy. Most lots, 42 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Pietro Barucci in our price database:
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Pietro Barucci (Italian, 1845-1917)
The Goat Keeper
Pietro Barucci (Italian, 1845-1917) The Goat...
Pietro Barucci (Italian, 1845-1917)
Passing by the Ruins
Pietro Barucci (Italian, 1845-1917) Passing...
Pietro Barucci (Italian, 1845-1917)
A prayer on the hill
Pietro Barucci (Italian, 1845-1917) A...
Pietro Barucci (ITALIAN, 1845-1917)
Fishing vessels on the coast, Naples
Pietro Barucci (ITALIAN...
Pietro Barucci (Italian 1845-1917)
Working the land on the Roman Campagna
Pietro Barucci (Italian...
Pietro Barucci (Italian, 1845-1917)
Fishing vessels by the Palazzo Donn'Anna, Naples
Pietro Barucci...
Pietro BARUCCI (1845-1917) La descente des anges sur terre Huile sur toile signée et située Rome en...
Pietro Barucci (Rom 1845 - 1917 Rom) „Wasserbüffel in der römischen Campagna“ Öl auf Leinwand 89 x...
PIETRO BARUCCI (1845 - 1917) Paesaggio con rovine e armenti. 109 x 58.5 cm Olio su tela Tipologia...
Pietro Barucci (1845 - 1917)
Technique: oil painting on canvas Dimensions: 90 x 115 cm The Roman...
Pietro Barucci (Rom 1845 - 1917 Rom) „Wasserbüffel in der römischen Campagna“ Öl auf Leinwand 89 x...
Pietro Barucci (Rom 1845 - 1917 Rom) „Venezianischer Kanal“ Öl auf Leinwand 60 x 109 cm Signiert und...
PIETRO BARUCCI (1845 - 1917) Paludi pontine con personaggi. 118 x 60 cm Olio su tela Tipologia...
PIETRO BARUCCI (1845-1917) Paysans dans la campagne romaine Huile sur toile. Signée et située P...
Pietro BARUCCI (1845-1917) Paysage de la campagne romaine Toile 64 x 115 cm Signé et localisé Roma...
PIETRO BARUCCI R0ma 1845-1917 Contadinella con gregge, firmato P. Barucci Roma Olio su tela cm. 80 x...
Pietro BARUCCI (1845-1917) Cavaliers sur le chemin au crépuscule Huile sur toile. Signée en bas à...
Pietro Barucci (b. 1845) La Pastorella signed 'P Barucci/Roma'; oil on canvas 54 x 40 7/8in. (137.1...
Pietro Barucci Roma 1845-1917 Pascolo nella campagna romana firmato in basso a destra P...
Pietro Barucci (1845-1917) Bufali nella palude firmato P.Barucci/Roma olio su tela cm 40x79...
Pietro Barucci (1845-1917) Gregge sui monti firmato P.Barucci/Roma olio su tela cm 140x100...
Pietro Barucci (Italian, 1845-1917) Casting the nets signed and inscribed 'P. Barucci Roma' (lower...
Pietro Barucci (Italian, 1845-1917) The bay of Naples signed 'P Barucci. Roma' (lower left...
Pietro Barucci (Italian, 1845-1917) Cattle in the Pontine Marshes signed and inscribed 'P. Barucci...
Pietro Barucci (Italian, 1845-1917) On the way to Market by Boat signed 'P. Barucci' (lower right...
Pietro Barucci (Italian, b. 1845) Barucci, P. The harvest signed and inscribed 'P. Barucci Roma...
Pietro Barucci (Italian, 1845-1917) The Long Journey Home signed and inscribed 'P. Barucci/Roma...
Pietro Barucci (1845-1917) Bufali in palude firmato P. Barucci Roma , olio su tela, cm 42x108...
Pietro Barucci (1845-1917) Pescatori sulla spiaggia a Sorrento firmato P. Barucci Roma , olio su...
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