Overall, 66 lots by Olaf Carl Seltzer are in our price database - 47 with result prices. Most often, 45 times, a lot by the artist Olaf Carl Seltzer was sold in an auction house in United States. Most lots, 29 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Olaf Carl Seltzer in our price database:
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Quail hunting signed and dated 'O. Seltzer / 1902' (lower left) watercolor and gouache on paper...
Grouse hunting, 1902 signed and dated 'O. Seltzer / 1902' (lower left) watercolor and gouache on...
A Suitor Comes a Callin' signed 'O.C. Seltzer' (lower right) oil on canvas board 14 x 10in...
Portrait of Sitting Bull, A Bear Standing (A group of two) one initialed 'O.C.S.' (lower center...
Hardrock Mine signed 'O.C. Seltzer' (lower right) oil on canvas board 11 x 16in overall: 18 x 23in...
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