Overall, 1134 lots by Maurice Estève are in our price database - 616 with result prices. Most often, 466 times, a lot by the artist Maurice Estève was sold in an auction house in France. Most lots, 142 pieces, came up for auction at Artcurial.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Maurice Estève in our price database:
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“Grisande”, 1966. Signed Estève, E.A. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 70 × 54.5 cm. Literature...
“Grisande”, 1966. Signed Estève, E.A. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 70 × 54.5 cm. Literature...
“Grand Pavois”, 1956. Signed Estève, 69/175. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 66×50 cm...
“Favorite”, 1959. Signed Estève, 55/75. Etching and aquatint in colours. Visible size 54×38 cm...
“Equisse pour 'Les Amants'” / “Sketch for 'The Lovers'”. Drawing no. 198. Signed Estève 33...
“Dulcinee a son Miroir”. Signed Estève, 50/100. Lithograph in colours. Sheet size 66×50 cm. This lot...
“Dulcinee a son miroir”, 1988. Signed Estéve, 46/100. Lithograph in colours. 39×32 cm. This lot is...
“Dulcinee a son miroir”, 1988. Signed Estéve, 46/100. Lithograph in colours. 39×32 cm. This lot is...
“Don Quichotte au Harneis”. Signed Estève, 50/100. Lithographs in colours. Sheet size 65×50 cm. This...
“Deux Larrons”, 1969. Signed Estève, 36/75. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 43 × 53 cm...
“Composition”. Drawing no. 173. Signed Estève 59. Charcoal and crayon on paper. Sheet size 31.5×42...
“Cali”, 1963. Signed Estève, EA. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 49×67 cm. Litteratur: Vallier...
“Bouinotte”, 1980. Signed Estève, 90/120. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 60.5×47 cm...
“Balmourè”, Hommage à Estève, 1974. Signed Estève, 42/50. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 35×28...
“Arizovert”, 1972. Signed Estéve, Ep. d'A. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 38×28 cm. Literature...
“Arizovert”, 1972. Signed Estève, 27/75. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 36×28 cm. Literature...
Untitled. Signed Estève, 30/80. Silkcreen i farver. Visible size 32×21 cm. This lot is subject to...
Untitled. Signed Estève 1958. Charcoal and crayon on paper. Visible size 58×42.5 cm. Exhibited...
Two exhibition posters. “Lyngby Kunstforening” and “Musée Cantini - Marseille”. Unsigned. Offset in...
Peintures Recentes. Exhibition poster, 1977. Usigned. Lithographic print in colours. 70×50 cm...
Peintures Recentes. Exhibition poster, 1977. Usigned. Lithographic print in colours. 70×50 cm...
Matinailles. 1956. Signed Estève "Epreuve d'artiste. Lithograph in colours. Printed by Mourlot...
Exhibition from Musee Borges. Signed Esteve, 124/200. Lithographic poster. Sheet size 67×50 cm. In...
MAURICE ESTÈVE 1904 - 2001 CALI 1963 Farblithographie auf Arches. Signiert und nummeriert. Ex...
Two compositions. Unsigned. Lithographs in colours, printed by Mourlot 1972. Inserted in the book XX...
MAURICE ESTEVE 1904-2001 Rouge et Bleue Färglitografi, 1963, signerad och numrerad Estève 22/95...
MAURICE ESTÈVE France 1904-2001 Port de Guilvinec (Bretagne) Signed and dated. Oil on canvas. 50 x...
MAURICE ESTEVE 1904-2001 L'Oiseau Vert Färglitografi, 1961, signerad och numrerad Estève XVIII/XXX...
Farblithografie auf Velin „Arches“ (Wasserzeichen) Frankreich, 1969 Maurice Estève (1904-2001...
MAURICE ESTEVE, efter 1904-2001 Hommage à Estève Komplett svit med fyra färglitografier, 1974...
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