Overall, 172 lots by Luis de Morales are in our price database - 56 with result prices. Most often, 37 times, a lot by the artist Luis de Morales was sold in an auction house in United Kingdom. Most lots, 30 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Luis de Morales in our price database:
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Follower of Luis de Morales
Ecce Homo
Follower of Luis de Morales Ecce Homo oil on panel 16 x 11½...
Luis de Morales (?Badajoz 1520-1586)
The Virgin and Child
Luis de Morales (?Badajoz 1520-1586) The...
Follower of Luis de Morales
The Lamentation
Follower of Luis de Morales The Lamentation oil on...
Follower of Luis de Morales
The Head of Christ
Follower of Luis de Morales The Head of Christ oil on...
Follower of Luis de Morales, el Divino
Ecce Homo
Follower of Luis de Morales, el Divino Ecce Homo...
Follower of Luis de Morales, el Divino
Ecce Homo
Follower of Luis de Morales, el Divino Ecce Homo...
Follower of Luis de Morales, el Divino
Christ Carrying the Cross
Follower of Luis de Morales, el...
La Vierge à l'Enfant au fuseau
Cículo de Luis de Morales. Ecce Homo "Ecce Homo". Óleo sobre tabla. Marcas de xilófagos. 43 x 31 cm...
Círculo de Luis de Morales. Virgen con Niño "Virgen con Niño". Óleo sobre tabla. En marco cornucopia...
Círculo de Luis de Morales. Virgen con Niño "Virgen con Niño". Óleo sobre tabla. En marco cornucopia...
Piedad LUIS DE MORALES, El Divino (Badajoz, ca. 1500-1586) Vendido / Sold
Óleo sobre tabla. Se...
Luis de MoralesBadajoz 1509 - 1586 AlcántaraVirgin and Child with the infant Saint John the Baptist...
Luis de Morales and StudioBadajoz 1509 - 1586 AlcántaraVirgin and Child, or La Virgén del Sombrero...
Luis de Morales and StudioBadajoz 1509 - 1586 AlcántaraVirgin and Child, or La Virgén del Sombrero...
Dans le goût de Luis de MORALES. Pietà entre deux anges. Laiton (?) D. : 32 × 26 cm. Dans un coffre...
Óleo sobre tabla. 56 x 36 cm. El pintor Luis de Morales es considerado desde sus primeros biógrafos...
Mater Dolorosa; and Christ Bearing the Cross
Luis de Morales (Badajoz 1509 - 1586) attributed Lamentation Oil on canvas 118 x 110 cm...
Luis de Morales BADAJOZ (?) CIRCA 1520 - 1586 (?) BADAJOZ ECCE HOMO remains of signature and dated...
Luis de Morales BADAJOZ (?) CIRCA 1520 - 1586 (?) BADAJOZ CHRIST CARRYING THE CROSS distemper on...
MORALES, LUIS DE (GEN. EL DIVINO) um Badajoz Umkreis Christus mit Dornenkrone. Öl auf Holz...
Luis de Morales and Workshop BADAJOZ (?) CIRCA 1520-1586 (?) PIETÀ oil on panel, unframed 26 3/16 by...
Luis de Morales, el Divino (?Badajoz c. 1520-?1586 Badajoz) Ecce Homo oil on panel 14 7/8 x 11 ¾ in...
Luis de Morales, el Divino (Badajoz c. 1520-1586) Christ the Man of Sorrows oil on panel 19½ x 13¾...
Luis de Morales (c.1520/5-c.1586) The Pietà on panel 16¼ x 11¾in. (41.3 x 30cm...
Luis de Morales, el Divino (? Badajoz c. 1520-?1586) The Virgin and Child oil on panel 23 3/8 x 17...
Luis de Morales (? Badajoz c. 1520-? 1586 Badajoz) Ecce Homo oil on panel 14¾ x 10 7/8 in. (37.5 x...
Luis de Morales, el Divino (? Badajoz c. 1520- ?1586) Ecce Homo oil on panel 13 x 9½ (33 x 24.2 cm...
Luis de Morales (c. 1520/5-c. 1586) The Man of Sorrows oil on panel 14 5/8 x 10 7/8in. (37.2 x...
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