The most expensive piece of art by Joseph Edgar Boehm in our art price database was sold at 13 Sep 1999 by the auction house Christie's for £43,300(ca. US$70,299). The price distribution shows that most of the artworks are sold between US$1,000 and US$5,000.
0 works by Joseph Edgar Boehm are at auction. Within our Archive you will find 89 works, 58 of them with realised prices.
Most artworks from Joseph Edgar Boehm in our archive – 46 lots – were sold in United Kingdom.
Please keep in mind, that our algorithm uses all works and objects of Joseph Edgar Boehm in our price analysis. This is due the fact, that many collectors are not only interested in f.e. paintings but also in other objects of the artist. The price distribution indicates the value of a typical artwork. You can use our Archive Search to find the realized price for a similar artwork of Joseph Edgar Boehm. The best indication for the value of an artwork are similar artworks that were sold in the near past.
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