Overall, 14 lots by James Baynes are in our price database - 9 with result prices. Most often, 9 times, a lot by the artist James Baynes was sold in an auction house in United Kingdom. Most lots, 5 pieces, came up for auction at Bonhams London.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by James Baynes in our price database:
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James Baynes Cattle in a Farmyard with inscription By James Baynes (1766-1837) from his great...
James Baynes Derwent Water, Cumberland signed and dated 'J. Baynes.1824' pencil and watercolour 8¾ x...
Shepherd and flock on a wooded path by abbey ruins watercolour 54 x 71.5cm (21 1/4 x 28 1/8in...
Metrose Abbey, watercolour, 49 x 71cm...
Abbey ruins with a shepherd and his flock of sheep, watercolour, 53 x 72cm...
'Figures on a lakeland track' Signed, watercolour; also a companion of an angler, a pair, unsigned...
"Old House near Tintern" watercolour. 17.5 x 26cm...
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