Overall, 20 lots by Jacobus Victors are in our price database - 10 with result prices. Most often, 5 times, a lot by the artist Jacobus Victors was sold in an auction house in France. Most lots, 4 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Jacobus Victors in our price database:
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Jacobus Victors (Dutch, 1640-1705)
Poultry and fowl in a barn; and A duck and other fowl in a yard...
Victors, Jacobus (Jacomo) (Amsterdam 1640-1705), zugeschrieben Geflügelhof mit Hennen, Küken und...
Victors, Jacobus (Jacomo) (Amsterdam 1640-1705), zugeschrieben Geflügelhof mit Hennen, Küken und...
Jacobus Victors (1640-1705) Poultry with ducks, doves and a woodpecker by a stream signed...
ATTRIBUE A JACOBUS VICTORS (1640-1705)Coqs et poules dans un poulailler Toile 94 x 127,5...
Attribué à Jacobus VICTORS (1640 - 1705) Coqs, poules et poussins sur fond de paysage. Toile Cadre...
Follower of Jacobus Victors Poultry in a farmyard oil on canvas 25¼ x 31¾ in. (64.2 x 80.6 cm...
Follower of Jacobus Victors A wooded river landscape with ducks being stalked by a dog oil on...
Follower of Jacobus Victors POLISH FOWL AND THEIR YOUNG oil on canvas 73 by 89 cm.; 28 3/4 by 35 in...
(Amsterdam 1640–1705) A cockerel, fowl and poultry in a landscape, oil on canvas, 103.5 x 126 cm...
HÜHNER VOR HÖLZERNEM FASS Öl auf Holz. 61 x 48,5 cm.
Im Mittelpunkt eines Stalles ein großes weißes...
Pigeons sur un toit Toile 64,5 x 81 cm Provenance: Vente anonyme, Paris, Hotel Drouot (Maître...
Pigeons sur un toit Toile 64,5 x 81 cm Provenance: Vente anonyme, Paris, Hotel Drouot (Maître...
Basse cour Huile sur toile rentoilée 88 x 74 cm GA...
JAGDSTILLEBEN Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 49 x 63,5 cm. Links unten signiert. Verso auf der Leinwand...
STILLEBEN MIT VERSCHIEDENEN VÖGELN Öl auf Leinwand. 49 x 63,5 cm. Links unten signiert. Rest...
14. Attribué à Jacobus VICTORS (1640 - 1705) Parc animé de coqs et canards Huile sur toile (Quelques...
FOWL WITH A RABBIT, A DUCK, GOOSE AND TURKEY IN A LANDSCAPE oil on canvas 102 x 122cm; 40 x 48in...
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