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Lots within our price database by Ivor Roberts-Jones

Overall, 63 lots by Ivor Roberts-Jones are in our price database - 49 with result prices. Most often, 48 times, a lot by the artist Ivor Roberts-Jones was sold in an auction house in United Kingdom. Most lots, 35 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.

The lots with the highest resulting prices by Ivor Roberts-Jones in our price database:

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Lot number 63A
λ Ivor Roberts-Jones (British 1916-1996), Sir Winston Churchill

λ Ivor Roberts-Jones (British 1916-1996)Sir Winston Churchill, maquette for the monument in...

Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions, 12 Oct 2021
£60,000 - £80,000
ca. US$81,555 - US$108,740
Price realised:
ca. US$81,555
Lot number 31
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)
Maquette for the Winston Churchill Monument in Parliament...

Christie's, 11 Nov 2010
£50,000 - £80,000
ca. US$79,870 - US$127,793
Price realised:
ca. US$232,024
Lot number 332
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)
Sir Winston Churchill, maquette for the monument in Parliament...

Christie's, 12 Oct 2010
£4,000 - £6,000
ca. US$6,343 - US$9,515
Price realised:
ca. US$15,858
Lot number 47
Ivor Roberts-Jones (British, 1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones (British, 1913-1996)
Sir Winston Churchill, maquette for the monument in...

Christie's, 17 Dec 2014 - 18 Dec 2014
US$6,000 - US$8,000
Price realised:
Lot number 31
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Study of Sir Kyffin Williams inscribed 'Kyffin sees the statue...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£600 - £800
ca. US$1,040 - US$1,387
Price realised:
ca. US$1,873
Lot number 35*,AR
Ivor Roberts-Jones

Ivor Roberts-Jones (British, 1916-1996)Sir Winston Churchill, maquette for the monument in...

Bonhams London, 22 Nov 2023
£40,000 - £60,000
ca. US$50,071 - US$75,107
Price realised:
ca. US$33,647
Lot number 48*,AR
Ivor Roberts-Jones(British, 1916-1996)Sir Winston Churchill, maquette for...

Ivor Roberts-Jones (British, 1916-1996)Sir Winston Churchill, maquette for the monument in...

Bonhams London, 21 Jun 2023
£60,000 - £80,000
ca. US$76,325 - US$101,767
Price realised:
ca. US$65,130
Lot number 252
Ivor Roberts-Jones

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A.1913 - 1996Sir Winston Churchill, Maquette for the Monument in Parliament...

Sotheby's, 7 Jun 2024
£30,000 - £50,000
ca. US$38,180 - US$63,633
Price realised:
n. a.
Lot number 4
Ivor Roberts-Jones Winston Churchill Monumental bronze bust 95cm high by…

Ivor Roberts-Jones Winston Churchill Monumental bronze bust 95cm high by 127cm wide by 92cm deep...

Summers Place Auctions, 31 Dec 2018
£60,000 - £80,000
ca. US$76,710 - US$102,280
Price realised:
ca. US$66,482
Lot number 50
Ivor Roberts-Jones 1913-1996 British AR, Portrait of a Man

Ivor Roberts-Jones 1913-1996 British AR, Portrait of a Man. 6.5 ins. high, (16.5 cms.), Bronze, I...

Grand Auctions, 17 Feb 2020
£400 - £600
ca. US$520 - US$780
Price realised:
n. a.
Lot number 66
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Running Deer bronze with a light green patina 10¼ in. (26 cm...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£1,000 - £1,500
ca. US$1,734 - US$2,602
Price realised:
ca. US$1,873
Lot number 65
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Male Caracal inscribed and dated 'Male Caracalla [ sic ]/Sept...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£200 - £300
ca. US$346 - US$520
Price realised:
ca. US$312
Lot number 64
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. 91913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. 91913-1996) Serval bronze with a green patina 25 in. (45.7 cm.) long...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£2,000 - £3,000
ca. US$3,469 - US$5,204
Price realised:
ca. US$6,662
Lot number 63
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Cat with studio stamp (on the backboard) pencil and coloured...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£200 - £300
ca. US$346 - US$520
Price realised:
ca. US$312
Lot number 62
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Oryx; and Animal inscribed 'Oryx' (lower right) and with studio...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£300 - £500
ca. US$520 - US$867
Price realised:
ca. US$416
Lot number 61
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Lynx with studio stamp (on the backboard) pencil and coloured...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£200 - £300
ca. US$346 - US$520
Price realised:
ca. US$312
Lot number 60
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Bird of Prey with studio stamp (on the backboard) pencil...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£200 - £300
ca. US$346 - US$520
Price realised:
ca. US$458
Lot number 58
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Reclining Female plaster 24 in. (61 cm.) long Conceived circa...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£800 - £1,200
ca. US$1,387 - US$2,081
Price realised:
ca. US$1,457
Lot number 54
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Shelter Angel, on return to London after demobilisation with...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£600 - £800
ca. US$1,040 - US$1,387
Price realised:
ca. US$1,353
Lot number 53
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Study of Soldier in Full Kit with studio stamp (on the...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£300 - £500
ca. US$520 - US$867
Price realised:
ca. US$1,353
Lot number 52
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Monumental Head and Shoulders; Winston Churchill Monument...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£3,000 - £5,000
ca. US$5,204 - US$8,674
Price realised:
ca. US$12,075
Lot number 51
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Maquette for Winston Churchill Monument New Orleans, V Sign...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£7,000 - £10,000
ca. US$12,144 - US$17,349
Price realised:
ca. US$114,507
Lot number 50
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Maquette for the Winston Churchill Monument in Parliament...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£10,000 - £15,000
ca. US$17,349 - US$26,024
Price realised:
ca. US$197,786
Lot number 49
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Maquette for Winston Churchill Monument, Parliament Square...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£4,000 - £6,000
ca. US$6,939 - US$10,409
Price realised:
ca. US$41,639
Lot number 48
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Winston Churchill; portrait study plaster 6¼ in. (15.3 cm...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£1,000 - £1,500
ca. US$1,734 - US$2,602
Price realised:
ca. US$1,873
Lot number 47
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Winston Churchill; portrait study plaster 5¾ in. (14.6 cm...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£1,000 - £1,500
ca. US$1,734 - US$2,602
Price realised:
ca. US$4,996
Lot number 46
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Winston Churchill; portrait study plaster 6 7/8 in. (17.5 cm...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£1,000 - £1,500
ca. US$1,734 - US$2,602
Price realised:
ca. US$4,580
Lot number 43
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Transitional to Seeing; head and shoulder plaster 8 in. (20.3...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£600 - £800
ca. US$1,040 - US$1,387
Price realised:
ca. US$1,040
Lot number 42
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Shepherd with Ram; head study unfired clay 4¾ in. (12.1 cm...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£600 - £800
ca. US$1,040 - US$1,387
Price realised:
ca. US$1,040
Lot number 41
Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996)

Ivor Roberts-Jones, R.A. (1913-1996) Helen; portrait head bronze 10¼ in. (27.3 cm.) high, excluding...

Christie's, 24 Nov 2005
£600 - £800
ca. US$1,040 - US$1,387
Price realised:
ca. US$1,040
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