Overall, 1374 lots by Horace Vernet are in our price database - 659 with result prices. Most often, 473 times, a lot by the artist Horace Vernet was sold in an auction house in France. Most lots, 112 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Horace Vernet in our price database:
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first edition, 100 fine hand-coloured engraved plates by Gatine after Lanté and Horace Vernet, no.1...
A mounted oriental with a spear oil on canvas 48 x 39 cm. (18 7/8 x 15 3/8 in...
HORACE VERNET (1789-1863) Les adieux de Napoléon à la Garde impériale à Fontainebleau, 20 avril...
CARTON DE LETTRES-01. Carton 1 : Volumineux carton empli de lettres, manuscrits, ou cartes...
C. Beaufort, circa 1831, after Antoine Charles Horace Vernet Returning from the day's shoot oil on...
ALBUMS] -- Réunion de 4 albums de lithographies. --GAVARNI (1804-1866). Physionomie de la population...
Coppia di stampe raffiguranti l'addio di Napoleone alle truppe di Fontainbleau da un dipinto di...
Maniera di Horace Vernet Marina mediterranea con torri, vascelli alla rada e astanti vari olio su...
HORACE VERNET (French, 1789-1863) Portrait of John B.Church signed H Vernet and dated 1821 lower...
TAYLOR (J.), Ch. Nodier et A. de Cailleux. Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l’ancienne...
Les arts et la décence. Lithographie. 24,9 x 19,7 cm. IFF 11. Bei der vorliegenden amüsanten...
Emile-Jean-Horace Vernet (Paris 1789-1863)
A cavalryman charging in the heat of battle...
Judith et Holopherne Sur sa toile d'origine. (Accidents). 102 x 66,5 cm Reprise du tableau de Vernet...
European (Orientalist) School, 19th Century Caravan Fleeing an Advancing Army Unsigned. Oil on...
Antoine-Charles-Horace Vernet, dit Carle VernetBordeaux 1758 - 1836 ParisFull length portrait of...
Les membres du Dîner du Disque, c. 1862. Réunion de la Société du Disque, regroupant les anciens...
Les membres du Dîner du Disque, c. 1862. Réunion de la Société du Disque, regroupant les anciens...
LA FONTAINE, Jean de (1621-1695). Fables Choisies… orné es de figures lithographiques . Paris...
Circle of Antoine Charles Horace Vernet (French, 1758-1836)
The French 9th Hussars skirmishing with...
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