Overall, 4734 lots by Gerhard Richter are in our price database - 2876 with result prices. Most often, 1095 times, a lot by the artist Gerhard Richter was sold in an auction house in United Kingdom. Most lots, 1051 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Gerhard Richter in our price database:
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- Gerhard Richter, 2014, Fondation Beyeler, Bâle - Gerhard Richter, Austellung et Catalogue...
Gerhard Richter Dresden 1932 geb. Strich (auf Rot) Öl auf Karton 3,3 x 47,5 cm 1979 rückseitig...
Gerhard Richter
Aus: Gerhard Richter, Text, Schriften und Interviews
Bleistift auf Papier. 23,9...
Gerhard Richter Die Welt. Ausgabe Freitag, 05.10.2012 mit dem Artikel "Die Welt des Gerhard Richter...
10 Gerhard Richter Weiß (White) 1988 oil on canvas 112 x 102 cm. (44 1/8 x 40 1/8 in.) Signed and...
RICHTER, GERHARD Dresden "Kerze I". Farboffsetdruck, handsig. u.M., 89,5x94,cm Literatur: Hubertus...
Gerhard Richter Rot-Blau-Gelb (339/2) (Red, Blue, Yellow) 1973 Oil on canvas. 38 3/4 x 36 1/4 in...
Gerhard Richter Kerze I 1988 color offset lithograph 90.5 x 95 cm (35 5/8 x 37 3/8 in) Signed...
PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT AMERICAN COLLECTION Gerhard Richter 8.12.85 1985 oil, watercolor on paper...
GERHARD RICHTER geb. 1932 Vermalung (braun). 1972. Öl auf Leinwand. Verso signiert und datiert...
Gerhard Richter* (1932), Sonderdruck/ Lack hinter Glas nach dem Gemaelde Flow 933-3 von 2013, 2018...
PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE GERMAN COLLECTION Gerhard Richter Gerhard Richter. Dessins et...
GERHARD RICHTER (Dresden 1932–lebt und arbeitet in Köln) Kine. 1995. Öl auf Leinwand. Verso signiert...
48 Gerhard Richter Grey (Grau) 2003 oil on canvas 20 1/2 x 18 1/2 in. (52 x 47 cm) Signed, numbered...
– AKTUELL Richter, Gerhard Richter, Gerhard. Schweizer Alpen. Motiv B1. Farbserigraphie auf leichtem...
Gerhard Richter 1932 Dresden „16. Mai 2000“ Öl auf Farbfotografie auf Velin. 2000. Ca. 15 x 10 cm...
Title: Three works featuring the art of Gerhard Richter Author: Richter, Gerhard Place: Various...
Gerhard Richter Follow Rot - Blau - Gelb [338-35] signed, numbered and dated '35 Richter '73' on the...
Gerhard Richter Follow Ohne Titel signed and dated '14.2.90 Gerhard Richter' lower half; dedicated...
Gerhard Richter Miniatures Firmato e datato Richter 1996 sul retro Olio su tela cm 8x8 Eseguito nel...
GERHARD RICHTER (B. 1932)Cross, 1997 stamped with the artist's name, numbered and dated '62/80...
Photographer: Friedrich Rosenstiel . Photographic reproduction of Gerhard Richter's oil painting...
Gerhard Richter Abstraktes Bild 1977 oil on canvas 200 x 300 cm (78 3/4 x 118 1/8 in) Signed and...
Gerhard Richter Follow Rot - Blau - Gelb [338-100] signed, numbered and dated '100 Richter '73' on...
Gerhard Richter Abstraktes Bild (454-4) 1980 oil on canvas 17 3/4 x 13 3/4 in. (45 x 35 cm) Signed...
(1) Parkett Kunstzeitschrift No. 35, 1993, Collaboration Gerhard Richter. Text in English and...
Gerhard Richter (1932 Dresden) (F)
'7.5.82', Lack auf Karton, 11,3 cm x 16 cm Objektmaß, verso...
Grünes Feld (Green Field)
signed, numbered and dated '223 Richter...
102 A Tale of Two Cities: Property from the Estate of Howard Karshan Gerhard Richter Follow Ohne...
130 A Tale of Two Cities: Property from the Estate of Howard Karshan Gerhard Richter Follow 21.9.85...
Gerhard Richter (B. 1932)
Gerhard Richter (B. 1932)
Gerhard Richter (B. 1932) Abstract offset...
Gerhard Richter Abstraktes Bild 610-1 (Abstract Painting 610-1) 1986 Oil on canvas. 78 7/8 x 78 7/8...
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932)
Kerze I
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932) Kerze I signed and dated 'Gerhard...
Gerhard Richter Drei Grau übereinander (Three greys one upon the other) 1966/84 Oil and enamel on...
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932)
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932) Cross stamped with signature, number and...
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932)
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932) Untitled signed, dedicated and dated...
Gerhard Richter dessins et aquarelles / drawings & watercolors. 1957-2008. Paris, Editions Dilecta...
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932)
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932) Cross stamped with signature, numbered and...
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932)
Untitled (6. Marz 91)
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932) Untitled (6. Marz 91...
Gerhard Richter Schweizer Alpen I: A2 1969 Screenprint in black and two shades of grey, on...
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932)
Abstraktes Bild (448-6)
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932) Abstraktes Bild (448-6...
Gerhard RICHTER (né en 1932) Gerhard Richter, Tate Modern - 2011 Impression offset en couleurs...
Gerhard Richter Vermalung (Braun) 1972 oil on canvas 10 5/8 x 15 3/4 in. (27 x 40 cm.) Signed...
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932)
Besetztes Haus (Squatter's House)
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932) Besetztes Haus...
Property from a Private European Collection Gerhard Richter Inpainting Brown 1972 oil on canvas 27 x...
100 Bilder. Mit eigenh. Widmung.
Richter. - Obrist, Hans-Ulrich (Hrsg.), Gerhard Richter. 100...
20 Gerhard Richter Abstraktes Bild 1978 oil on canvas 60 x 65 cm (23 5/8 x 25 5/8 in.) Signed...
101 A Tale of Two Cities: Property from the Estate of Howard Karshan Gerhard Richter Follow Ohne...
Gerhard Richter Onkel Rudi 1965/ 2000 Lithograph. 31 1/4 x 16 1/2 in. (79.4 x 41.9 cm). Signed lower...
Gerhard Richter Kerze 1988 Lithograph. 36 x 37 in. (91.4 x 94 cm). Signed. This work is from an...
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