Overall, 5 lots by Friedrich Jakob Hill are in our price database - 3 with result prices. Most often, 2 times, a lot by the artist Friedrich Jakob Hill was sold in an auction house in Germany. Most lots, 2 pieces, came up for auction at Auktionshaus Kiefer.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Friedrich Jakob Hill in our price database:
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Friedrich Jakob Hill (1785-1846), ovale portretminiatuur op ivoor; Jongeman met blauwe jas. In...
Property from the collection of the late Dr Erika Pohl-Ströher (1919-2016)Friedrich Jakob Hill...
(1758 Darmstadt 1846) zugeschrieben. Heinrich Ludwig Valentin Clotz (&) Christiane Johannette Clotz...
(1758 Darmstadt 1846) zugeschrieben. Portrait der Sophie Friederike Hill (1754-1840), die Schwester...
Friedrich Jakob Hill (1758-1846), Miniaturbildnis eines jungen Mädchens mit Blumenbouquet, Tempera...
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