Overall, 336 lots by Francis Grant are in our price database - 223 with result prices. Most often, 197 times, a lot by the artist Francis Grant was sold in an auction house in United Kingdom. Most lots, 93 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Francis Grant in our price database:
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Follower of Sir Francis Grant Portrait of a Gentleman thought to be Arthur James, 8th Earl of...
Follower of Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, in a black jacket and...
Follower of Sir Francis Grant Portrait of a gentleman, possibly a member of the Fortescue family...
Follower of Sir Francis Grant Portrait of a Gentleman, seated quarter-length, in a black jacket and...
Follower of Sir Francis Grant Portrait of a Gentleman reading to his Daughter, both seated small...
Follower of Sir Francis Grant A double portrait of a mother with her son, seated full-length, the...
Follower of Sir Francis Grant Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, in a black coat, holding a book...
Follower of Sir Francis Grant Portrait of a Gentleman, standing small full length, in a grey Coat...
Follower of Sir Francis Grant Portrait of a Mother, seated in an Interior, with two Children at her...
Follower of Sir Francis Grant Portrait of an Officer, half length in a scarlet Tunic with the date...
Follower of Sir Francis Grant A Family Group, standing on a Terrace, a wooded Landscape beyond oil...
Follower of Sir Francis Grant Portrait of a Gentleman, bust-length, in a black jacket and white...
Follower of Sir Francis Grant Going to draw the Covert oil on canvas 24 x 44in. (61 x 111.8cm...
Attributed to Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878) Portrait of Sir Creswell Creswell (1794-1863...
Attributed to Sir Francis Grant Portrait of Peter Langford-Brooke, full length, wearing a black...
* Attributed to Sir Francis Grant (British, 19th century) Portrait of a Mother and Child oil on...
* Attributed to Sir Francis Grant (British, 19th century) Portrait of a Mother and Child oil on...
(Witchcraft), Cullen, Francis Grant, Sadducismus Debellatus: or a True Narrative of the Sorceries...
Description: After Sir Francis Grant (1803-1978). Portrait engraving by James Faed, of William John...
Frank Bromley wg obrazu Francis Grant'a (1803 - 1878) (1857 - 1915) SPOTKANIE HODOWCÓW PSÓW...
Art & Antiques. A selection, includes; Francis, Grant R. - Old English Drinking Glasses. London...
PORCELAIN]. METEYARD, Eliza. Wedgewood and His Works. London, 1873. -- FRANCIS, Grant R. Old English...
"Sir Richard Sutton and the Quorn Hounds". Grabado al acero coloreado. 52 x 75,5 (estampa), 42 x 71...
Portrait of a gentleman oil on canvas laid down on board 57 x 48cm (unframed...
Algernon Percy, 4th Duke of Northumberland KG (1797-1865)
engraved by Samuel Cousins, RA (British...
Self portrait pastel, conte and pencil 43.5 x 35.5 cm. (17 1/8 x 14 in...
Double portrait of the artist's daughters, Elizabeth and Rachel (or possibly Rebecca and Rachel...
Portrait of one of the artist's daughter, Rebecca Grant, quarter-length oil on canvas 59 x 41.5 cm...
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