Overall, 336 lots by Francis Grant are in our price database - 223 with result prices. Most often, 197 times, a lot by the artist Francis Grant was sold in an auction house in United Kingdom. Most lots, 93 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Francis Grant in our price database:
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Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
Portrait of Sir George Cornewall Lewis, Bart. MP (1806-1863...
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
Portrait of a young lady, half-length, in a black dress with...
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
Study of a lady seated at a tea-table ( recto ) (illustrated...
After Sir Francis Grant and Sir John Watson Gordon After Sir Francis Grant and Sir John Watson...
Sir Francis Grant P.R.A. (1803-1878) Equestrian studies inscribed and dated 'By Francis Grant 1824...
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
Study of a young girl, seated, half-length
Sir Francis Grant...
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
A gentleman golfer striding across the course
Sir Francis...
Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
Sketch of the Duke of Wellington at the Royal Academy, 1843...
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1810-1878)
General Henry Vane, 2 nd Duke of Cleveland (1788-1864)
Sir Francis Grant, R.A. (Kilgraston 1803-1878 Melton Mowbray)
An elegant lady riding side saddle
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
Portrait of Mrs James Beech, Alice Mary Beech and Rowland John...
Francis Grant (Scottish, 1803-1878)
Portrait of the Reverend Walter Hudson, seated three-quarter...
Attributed to Sir Francis Grant (c.1803-1878)
A preparatory sketch for 'Queen Victoria riding out at...
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
Portrait of James Hunt, three-quarter length, holding a top...
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
Portrait of Louisa Madeleine Keith-Falconer, née Hawkins...
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
Portrait of Charlotte Sofia, Duchess Dowager of Beaufort...
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
The Viscount Hardinge, Governor-General of India accompanied...
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
Study for a portrait of Queen Victoria out riding, accompanied...
Sir Francis Grant P.R.A. 1803-1878 1803-1878 PORTRAIT OF ROBERT HENRY GRANT signed l.r.: Sir F...
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
Portrait of a gentleman, possibly the artist's brother John...
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
Portrait of a young girl, probably Lady Adelaide Emelina...
Charles George Lewis after Sir Francis Grant - The Melton Breakfast - coloured engraving dedicated...
Circle of Sir Francis Grant (Edinburgh 1803-1878 Melton Mowbray)
Portrait of a gentleman...
Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. (1803-1878)
Portrait of John Whyte-Melville of Bennochy and Strathkiness...
depicted standing three-quarter length, in full military dress uniform with sword and hat, oil on...
FRANCIS, Grant - Old English Drinking Glasses'' Illustrations of Three Hundred and Eighty-Five...
Francis Grant, after, Simmons, by, The Shooting Party - Ranton Abbey, coloured lithograph, 90cm x...
Francis Grant, after, Simmons, by, The Shooting Party - Ranton Abbey, coloured lithograph, 90cm x...
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